List Asset Components in the Scope of a Risk Project

Returns the list of asset components included in the scope of a risk project. In the system, this list includes the following columns, which will also be returned by the API: Perimeter, Asset, Asset Component, Knowledge Base, KB Version, Survey, Survey ID, Analyst, Interviewee, and Reviewer.

Note that this feature does not include the scope of vulnerabilities of the project.









RiskProjectID: This parameter is provided in the URL and does not need to be sent through GET.

page: Number of the page to be displayed. Valid values: 1 to the maximum number of pages. If omitted, the value 1 is used. If the value is greater than the maximum number of pages, a blank list will be returned.

page_size: Number of items displayed per page. Valid values: 1 to 1,000. If omitted, the default value of 10 is used.

filter: Query based on the OData protocol syntax for configuring filters. The fields supported are listed below. See the examples to view the operations allowed.

orderby: Orders the asset components listed on the page by field. To order by more than one field, use a comma between the field names. For descending order, add the word "desc" for each desired field. The supported fields are listed below.



string AssetName;

guid AssetId;

string PerimeterName;

guid PerimeterId;

string KnowledgeBaseName;

double KnowledgeBaseVersion;

string KnowledgeBaseCustomerId;

string SurveyName;

string SurveyId;

string SurveyCustomerID;

string AssetComponentName;

string AssetComponentId;

guid AnalystId;

string AnalystName;

string AnalystPhone;

string AnalystEmail;

string IntervieweeId;

string IntervieweeName;

string IntervieweePhone;

string IntervieweeEmail;

string ReviewerId;

string ReviewerName;

string ReviewerPhone;

string ReviewerEmail;

int QuestionnaireStatusCode;

int QuestionnaireId;


The filter for the QuestionnaireStatusCode field can have one of the following values: 0 for "Not Opened", 1 for "Open", and 8 for "Closed".


For detailed information on filters as supported operators, which filters apply to which data types, and more examples, see Appendix 3: Filters.



The first ten asset components in the scope of the risk project (by default, ten asset components are listed at a time):



Asset components 11 through 20 (second page)



Filter by "Windows" in the "Name" field of the asset component:




List of objects with information on the asset components in the scope of the project, according to the page number and filters specified.



The RiskProjectControlScope object is in the following format:



object AssetComponent;

object Asset;

object Perimeter;

object KnowledgeBase;

object Survey;

object Questionnaire;

humanresource Analyst;

humanresource Interviewee;

humanresource Reviewer;







"Name":"Desktop - Google Chrome 2.0"








"Name":"Marketing Dept"






"Name":"Technology - Application - \"Browser\" - Google Chrome 2.0"





"Name":"Google Chrome Survey"




"Name":"John Smith",

"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000",





"Name":"Laura Morris",

"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000",











"Name":"Julia Goldsmith",

"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000",






"Name":" - Unix Solaris 8/9"




"Name":"Solaris Server"










"Name":"Operating System - \"Unix\" - Unix Solaris 8 and 9"




"Name":"John Smith",

"Phone":"+1 (646) 555-0000",




      "Status":"Not Opened"
