How to View and Edit the Values of Business Component Attributes

This topic explains how to view and edit the values of a business component's attributes. These attributes are created on the Objects and Attributes page of the Customizations section in the Administration module and their values are specified in the Attributes tab of business components. The values allow specific information on each business component to be provided and can be used as column options in queries. For details on managing business component attributes, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Objects and Attributes.


1.    Access the Organization module.

2.    In the Business Components section, select the Manage Business Components option.

3.    Expand the folders representing the level and type of the business component for which you want to view the list of attributes and click the Attributes tab (see figure below).



The system displays the attributes available for the business component selected.


8.    To enter or edit the value of an attribute, click the field for it. The information that can be entered for each depends on the type of attribute (Attachment, Date/Time, E-mail, etc.) and any configurations set for it (regular expression mask, maximum or minimum number of characters, etc. Note that some attributes may be required.

9.    When finished, click Save at the end of the page.


The system displays a success message.