How to Specify the Scope of a Compliance Project

This topic explains how to specify the scope of a compliance project. The scope of a project is comprised of one or more objects (business components, people, or assets) from the organization, registered in the Organization module, for which you want to obtain compliance metrics (which are obtained via consolidation) in relation to requirements from authoritative documents. The scope is specified based on the selection of objects, each of which will be associated with a compliance survey and a response set through which they will be analyzed.

Compliance surveys are created in the Knowledge module and are checklists composed of a series of questions and additional information that allow the level of fulfillment of the requirements from one or more authoritative documents to be analyzed. For each object, a version of a published compliance survey containing Compliance questions associated with the requirements selected for the project’s scope is associated. The same survey can be associated with various objects from the scope and, for each survey, a response set (any published version can be used), an interviewee, and a reviewer (optional) is associated. A single survey can be sent to different interviewees, using different response sets.

Response sets are also previously registered in the Knowledge module and are comprised of response options that can be selected to answer a question.

For further details on surveys and response sets, see Chapter 6: Compliance -> Compliance Projects -> Compliance Metrics.


1.    Access the Compliance module.

2.    In the Projects section, click the List Projects option.

3.    In the List of Projects section, click Edit next to the compliance project whose scope you want to add objects to.

4.    Click Scope (see figure below).



5.    Click Add to Scope to select the objects that will be analyzed (see figure below).



Note: If there is not at least one survey published in the Knowledge module associated with at least one of the requirements selected for the project, the system will display an alert. In this case, go to the Knowledge module to create or import the compliance surveys to be used in the project and publish them.


6.    In the window that appears, mark the checkboxes next to the objects you want to add after setting the filter criteria.

7.    Select the survey and the response set to be used for the objects selected and click Add and Close (see figure below). Only survey versions that have at least one question related to at least one requirement selected for the scope will be displayed.



The system displays a success message.