How to Customize Texts for the Dispatch Solution

This topic provides orientation to help you customize texts for the Dispatch solution, such as buttons, success and error messages, and other items available in sections of the map for this solution. This allows texts to be edited to meet the specific needs of your organization, enhancing the adaptability of the system.

Below are instructions on how to access and edit the file with the texts used in the system and the list of texts that can be edited. For the texts to be recognized by the system, the value of the TextConfigPath key must be configured with the name of the text file in appSettings, in the web.config file of the application, as in the example below.

<add key="TextConfigPath" value="~/app/TextConfig.json" />

As certain system features may be enabled or disabled, some texts will only be displayed if the corresponding feature is being used in the system. For more information on features that can be enabled, see Appendix -> Additional Configurations for the Dispatch Solution -> How to Enable and Disable Features of the Dispatch Solution.


1.    In the installation folder for the CCM system, open the /app/texConfig directory.

2.    In the directory, select and copy the TextConfig.json.190RJ file to use the file with custom texts.

3.    Place the copy in the /app/ main directory and remove the "custom" extension from the file name.

4.    Open the file in a text editor and make the necessary changes to each text. To edit it, the file must not be marked as read-only.

5.    When finished, save your changes.


Note 1: If you want to use the default system texts, repeat the first three steps for the TextConfig.json.default file. Note that this file must not be edited and that you cannot use two text files at the same time.


Note 2: Only default system texts are displayed in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. The texts from the customizable file are not translated by the system and will be displayed in the language in which they are written, regardless of the language selected in the Preferences section of the Home module.


The table below provides information on the content of the text file. Listed below are the names of the keys in the TextConfig.json.190RJ file, the default corresponding texts provided with the installation of the Dispatch solution, and the description of each text, including where they appear in the system. IMPORTANT! The texts in the table are default system texts and are not available in the custom file, which may vary depending on the installation.


Default Text



Request Dispatch

Button that creates a call and requests dispatch in the New Call window of the Manage Calls section, or which requests dispatch for previously created calls in the Calls and Occurrences window of the same section. Note that this button must be enabled for it to appear in the Calls and Occurrences window.



Button that creates a call in the New Call window of the Manage Calls section, or which saves information when editing calls and occurrences in the editing windows. Note that the editing feature must be enabled before calls and occurrences can be edited in the system.



Identifier of the call or occurrence. The identifier is displayed throughout the system, such as in the call report and in notifications.


Enter the identifier of the call or the occurrence to associate them with another call or occurrence.

Support text displayed when associating calls and occurrences in the Associate Calls and Occurrences window of the Manage Calls and Monitoring sections.


Enter the identifier of the occurrence to associate it with another occurrence.

Support text displayed when associating occurrences in the Associate Occurrences window of the Manage Dispatches section.


Dispatch Group

Field that indicates, in the singular, the names of dispatch groups.


Dispatch Groups

Field that indicates, in the plural, the names of dispatch groups.


Groups Selected:

Text that indicates the list of dispatch groups selected in the Manages Dispatches section.


No groups selected.

Text that indicates that no dispatch groups were selected in the Manage Dispatches section.


Select the dispatch groups for which you want to manage dispatches. The map will only show information related to the groups selected here.

Support text displayed in the window for selecting dispatch groups in the Manage Dispatches section.


Select Groups

Button that confirms the selection of dispatch groups, displayed in the Manage Dispatches section.


At least one group must be selected to request the dispatch.

Message displayed when requesting dispatch without having selected any groups in the New Call or Edit Call windows. This message can only be displayed when the selection of more than one dispatch group is enabled.


Select at least one group.

Error message displayed when no dispatch groups are selected in the window for selecting groups in the Manage Dispatches section.


The dispatch request of the "{group name}" group was answered.

Entry in the chronology displayed when a dispatch request is answered in the Manage Dispatches section. This message will only be displayed if the Answer Request button is enabled in the list of dispatch requests.


The "{unit name}" unit was disassociated from the dispatch request of the "{group name}" group and its status was changed to "Available".

Entry in the chronology displayed when a service unit is disassociated from a dispatch request.


The status of the dispatch request of the "{group name}" group was changed to "{status}".

Entry in the chronology displayed when the status of a dispatch request is changed.


The "{unit name}" unit was associated with the dispatch request of the "{group name}" group.

Entry in the chronology displayed when a service unit is associated with a dispatch request.


The "{unit name}" unit was disassociated from the dispatch request of the "{group name}" group because its status was changed to "Unavailable".

Entry in the chronology displayed when a service unit associated with a dispatch request is marked as unavailable.


The "{unit name}" unit was disassociated from the dispatch request of the "{group name}" group.

Entry in the chronology displayed when a dispatch request is ended with a unit associated.


The status of the "{unit name}" service unit was changed to "On Site" in the dispatch request of the "{group name}" group.

Entry in the chronology displayed when indicated that an associated service unit arrived at the location of the incident.


The dispatch request of the "{group name}" group was completed with assistance.

Entry in the chronology displayed when a dispatch request is ended that has at least one dispatch completed with assistance.


The dispatch request of the "{group name}" group was completed without assistance.

Entry in the chronology displayed when a request is ended that does not have dispatches completed with assistance.


The dispatch request of the "{group name}" group was transferred to the "{group name}" group.

Entry in the chronology displayed when a dispatch request is transferred, showing the name of each group that sent and received the transferred request.


This occurrence was associated with the occurrence (ID {identifier}).

Entry in the chronology displayed when an occurrence is associated with another occurrence.


This occurrence was disassociated from the occurrence (ID {identifier}).

Entry in the chronology displayed when once occurrence is disassociated from the other.


This occurrence was associated with the call (ID {identifier}).

Entry in the chronology displayed when an occurrence is associated with a call.


This occurrence was disassociated from the call (ID {identifier}).

Entry in the chronology displayed when an occurrence is disassociated from a call.


This call was associated with the occurrence (ID {identifier}).

Entry in the chronology displayed when a call is associated with an occurrence.


This call was disassociated from the occurrence (ID {identifier}).

Entry in the chronology displayed when a call is disassociated from an occurrence.


This call was associated with the call (ID {identifier}).

Entry in the chronology displayed when two calls are associated.


This call was disassociated from the call (ID {0}).

Entry in the chronology displayed when disassociating a call from another call.


A message was sent.

Entry in the chronology displayed when a message is sent regarding a call or occurrence. The entry will only be displayed if the feature to send messages is available.



Field displayed below the entry for sending the message in the chronology, showing the message sent.


The "{field event name}" field event was added for the "{unit name}" unit in the dispatch request of the "{group name}" group.

Entry in the chronology displayed when adding a field event to an associated service unit in the list of dispatch requests in the Manage Dispatches section.


Completed with Assistance

Status of an occurrence that was ended with at least one dispatch completed with assistance.


Completed without Assistance

Status of an occurrence that was ended without any dispatches completed with assistance.


Awaiting Dispatcher

Status of an occurrence that does not have dispatch requests answered by a dispatcher. This status will only be displayed when enabled.


Are you sure you want to transfer the dispatch request to another group?


Text displayed when transferring a dispatch request in the Transfer Request window of the Manage Dispatches section.


The dispatch request will be transferred to another group and you will not be able to access it in the current group.

Support text displayed when transferring a dispatch request in the Transfer Request window of the Manage Dispatches section.


Awaiting Dispatcher

Status of a dispatch request that was not yet answered by a dispatcher. Note that this status will only be displayed if the Answer Request button is enabled in the list of dispatch requests.


Additional Information

Field that contains information on a dispatch request, provided when ending the request in the Manage Dispatches section.



Title of the window where messages related to a call or occurrence can be sent. The feature to send messages must be enabled for this text to be displayed.


Enter a message…

Instruction for completing the messaging field in the Messages window. The feature to send messages must be enabled for this text to be displayed.


New Message Received

Title of a notification displayed in the Notifications window when a new message that has not yet been read in the messages window is received. The feature for sending messages and the Notifications window must be enabled for this text to appear.


Under Analysis

Status of an occurrence that has one or more open dispatch requests.


Units Associated

Status of a dispatch request that has one or more service units associated.


En Route

Status of a service unit that was dispatched to the location of the incident, but has not yet arrived at its destination.


On Site

Status of a service unit that arrived at its destination.



Status of a service unit that is available for dispatching.


Temporarily Removed

Status of a service unit that is temporarily unavailable for dispatching. The feature for temporary removal must be enabled for this text to be displayed.



Status of a service unit that is not available for dispatching.


Service Units

Field that indicates the names of service units in the plural.


Service Unit

Field that indicates the names of service units in the singular.


Date Updated

Field and column that display the  date and time on which the location of a service unit was last updated, in the pop-up for the unit on the map and in the Service Units tab of the Manage Dispatches section.



Column that displays the identifier of the occurrence for which the unit was dispatched, in the Service Units tab of the Manage Dispatches section.


Police Type

Column that contains the type of police work defined for the service unit during the association in the Service Units tab of the Manage Dispatches section.


Status Details

Column that displays for each service unit in the Service Units tab of the Manage Dispatches section details on its statuses when the field events feature is enabled, such as the reason for temporary removal and the acronyms of the field events added.



Column that indicates the status of the service unit in the Service Units tab of the Manage Dispatches section.


Status Changed to On Site On

Field that displays in the occurrence report the date and time when the status of the service unit was changed to "On Site", indicating that the unit arrived at the occurrence location. If the field events feature is enabled, this field will display the data and time when certain field events were added.


Dispatch Status

Field that indicates in the occurrence report the current status of the dispatch of a service unit.


Yesterday’s Calls and Occurrences

Option that allows calls and occurrences created on the previous day to be exported in the Export Calls and Occurrences section.


Select Period

Option that allows calls and occurrences created during a specific time period to be exported to a spreadsheet in the Export Calls and Occurrences section.


Dispatch Requests

Title of the tab where dispatch requests are listed in the Manage Dispatches section.


Dispatch Time

Column that displays the time elapsed since the dispatch of the first service unit until the completion of the activities of the last unit in the occurrence (when the service is completed or if the unit is removed).


Request Time

Column that displays the time elapsed from when the operator sends the dispatch request to the group selected until the request is completed.


Associated Units

Column that displays the service units associated with a dispatch request in the Dispatch Requests tab of the Manage Dispatches section.



Column that contains the address of an occurrence in the Dispatch Requests tab of the Manage Dispatches section.


There are no requests available for the dispatch group of this service unit.

Message displayed when a unit is associated through the Service Units tab of the Manage Dispatches section and there are no dispatch requests available for its group.


The service unit could not be displayed on the map because it does not have a defined location. 

Message displayed when a service unit with no location is clicked in the Service Units tab of the Manage Dispatches section.


Enter the name of the service unit

Instruction for completing the filter in the Service Units column in the Dispatch Requests tab of the Manage Dispatches section.


Completed with Assistance

Status of a request ended with at least one dispatch completed with assistance.


Completed without Assistance

Status of a request ended without any dispatches completed with assistance.