How to Enable and Disable Features of the Dispatch Solution

This topic contains information on the features that can be enabled and disabled in the Dispatch solution. Through the web.config file, you can choose which system features will be available in order to customize the system to meet your needs. Each feature is represented by a key. In general, keys are enabled when their value is "true" and disabled when their value is "false"; however, some keys accept other values.

The web.config file is located in appSettings in the installation folder for the system and is already configured with the installation. Keep in mind that changing the default settings in the file can affect the system and prevent the use of some features. For details, contact your system administrator.

The table below presents details on each key. Note that some texts in the system can be customized, and, therefore, in the description of the keys the names of tabs and windows may not be compatible with the system default, for example.




Displays the button for sending messages for each call and occurrence in the Occurrences and Calls and Occurrences windows of the Manage Dispatches and Monitoring sections.


Displays the list of icons used on the map and their respective legends.


Enables the chat feature in the side menu on the map. For this feature to work correctly, the value of the EnableAttendantFloatingMenu key must also be set to "true".


Informs the tracking service, such as Modulo Integration Service (MIS, of any changes in the statuses of the service units.


Enables the feature to dial directly to the number of the person who called to report an incident.


Enables the feature for sending SMS messages in the side menu on the map. For this feature to work correctly, the system must be integrated with an SMS gateway and the value of the EnableAttendantFloatingMenu must also be configured as "true".


Enables the feature for recording calls in the side menu on the map. For this feature to work correctly, the system must be integrated with a telecommunications network and the value of the EnableAttendantFloatingMenu key must also be configured as "true".


Activates the cache for calls to the system API. The calls allowed can be configured in the CacheConfig.json file located in the CCM/App_Data/ folder for the application.


Allows completed calls and occurrences to be reopened.


Allows the Dispatch Requests and Service Units tabs in the Manage Dispatches section to be separated from the map and displayed in a new window.


Points to the configuration file for texts in the Dispatch solution.


Points to the file for call categories. The file indicates which categories make it unnecessary for addresses to be registered for calls.


Displays the Title field in the form for creating calls. When its value is "true", this field will be required, while the Description field will be optional. If disabled, the title will be optional and can only be provided in the Edit Occurrence window of the Manage Dispatches section.


Displays the Attachments section, allowing files to be attached to the form for creating calls. Note that, even if its value is "false", this feature will remain enabled in the Edit Occurrence window of the Manage Dispatches section.


Enables the "Awaiting Operator" checkbox in the advanced search for calls to be filtered by this status in the Calls and Occurrences window.


Enables the "Transferred to Another Center" checkbox in the advanced search for calls to be filtered by this status in the Calls and Occurrences window.


Enables the "Call Being Registered" checkbox in the advanced search for calls to be filtered by this status in the Calls and Occurrences window.


Enables the "Under Analysis" checkbox in the advanced search for occurrences to be filtered by this status in the Calls and Occurrences and Occurrences windows.


Allows calls to be edited once saved. If its value is "false", when clicking Save in the New Call window, the call will be saved and completed, and cannot be edited afterwards.



Displays the Cancel (Prank Call) and Cancel Call buttons, allowing calls to be cancelled in the Edit Call window of the Manage Calls section. In addition, it enables the "Cancelled" checkbox in the advanced search for calls to be filtered by this status in the Calls and Occurrences window. For this feature to work properly, the value of the EnableCallEditing key must also be configured as "true".


Displays the Transfer Call button, allowing calls to be transferred to other centers in the Edit Call window of the Manage Calls section. For this feature to work correctly, the value of the EnableCallEditing key must also be configured as "true".



Makes the Description field required in the form for creating calls and in the forms for editing calls and occurrences.


Displays the Request Dispatch button, allowing operators to request dispatch through the Edit Call and Edit Occurrence windows of the Manage Calls section. For this feature to work correctly, the value of the EnableCallEditing key must also be configured as "true".


Displays the End Call button, allowing calls to be ended by operators in the Edit Call window of the Manage Calls section. For this feature to work correctly, the value of the EnableCallEditing key must also be configured as "true".


Completes the Origin field in the form for creating calls with a default origin that can be changed later. The value of this key must be completed with the ID of the origin, as displayed in the Call Origins section.


Puts the last five digits of the call identifier in bold and increases the font size in the Create Call window of the Manage Calls section and in the forms for creating calls and editing calls and occurrences.


Makes the Caller Telephone 1 field required in the form for creating calls and in the form for editing calls and occurrences.


Allows operators to select more than one group when requesting dispatch in the Manage Calls section.


In the Manage Calls section, hides all the fields in the People Involved section in the form for creating calls. Also hides the Number of People Affected and Victims in Need of Medical Care fields in the forms for creating and editing calls in the Manage Calls and Manage Dispatches sections. Note that this key does not hide the People Involved section in the Manage Dispatches section.


Enables the Create Call window, allowing the form for creating calls to be opened manually.


Displays the button for sending messages for each call and occurrence in the Calls and Occurrences window in the Manage Calls section.


Displays the editing button for each call and occurrence in the Calls and Occurrences window of the Manage Calls section.


Displays the association button for each call and occurrence in the Calls and Occurrences window of the Manage Calls section.


Displays the end button for each call in the Calls and Occurrences window of the Manage Calls section.


Displays the Request and Edit Call button when selecting dispatch groups in the Edit Call and Edit Occurrence windows of the Manage Calls section. Not that, for this feature to work correctly, the EnableCallEditing key must be enabled.


Displays the feature menu on the map, with options to select maps, enable and disable layers, search addresses, and manage shapes, among others.


Enables the External Calls windows, displaying the calls transferred from another center in the Manage Calls section.


Enables the Notifications window, displaying notifications in the Manage Calls section.


Enables the Service Units window, allowing operators to manage service units in the Manage Calls section.


Enables the Priority Occurrences section, displaying a list with information on occurrences that have not yet been associated with service units.


Enables the Unfinished Occurrences section, displaying a list with information on occurrences with associated service units.


Separates the Address field into District, Subdistrict, Street, and Number in the form for creating calls.


Displays the button for creating calls in the Calls and Occurrences window of the Manage Calls section.


Displays the button for creating a call when locating an address on the map through the Search by Address window in the Manage Calls section. Both the address search window and the creation button must be enabled for calls to be created through this feature.


Enables the Calls and Occurrences by Category window, displaying statistics on calls and occurrences in the Today’s Occurrences section.


Displays the button for changing the location in the pop-up window displayed when clicking a call or occurrence on the map, in the Manage Calls and Monitoring sections. Note that, even if its value is "false", calls being created may have their location changed through the pop-up window in the Manage Calls section.


Displays the button for sending messages in the pop-up window displayed when a call or occurrence is clicked on the map, in the Manage Calls section.


Displays the button for completing a call in the pop-up window that appears when a call is clicked on the map, in the Manage Calls section.


Displays the editing button in the pop-up window displayed when a call or occurrence is clicked on the map in the Manage Calls section. For this feature to be disabled, the value of the EnableCallEditing key must also be configured as "false".


Displays the editing button in the Associate Calls and Occurrences window in the Manage Calls and Monitoring sections and in the Associate Occurrences window of the Manage Dispatches section.


Automatically accepts dispatch requests in the Manage Dispatches section and hides the "Awaiting Dispatcher" status. When its value is "false", each dispatch request must be manually accepted by dispatchers.


Enables the feature for adding field events to service units associated with dispatch requests in the Manage Dispatches section.


Enables the BOPM and Occurrence Registration Number fields in the pop-up for completing a dispatch request in the Manage Dispatches section.


Displays only the service units that are associated with the dispatch groups of which you are a member. When its value is "false", all service units registered in the system will be displayed. 


Enables the Final Category field in the pop-up for completing a dispatch request in the Manage Dispatches section and in the spreadsheet of calls and occurrences. 


Changes the "Unavailable" status for service units to "Temporarily Removed". In addition, in the Manage Calls section, it enables the Remove Unit Temporarily window, allowing the reason for removal to be selected.


Enables the Export Calls and Occurrences section, allowing calls and occurrences to be exported to a spreadsheet.


Enables the Title field in the pop-up displayed when a call or occurrence is clicked on the map. 


Locates an address on the map when searched for through the Street field of the advanced search feature in the Calls and Occurrences and Occurrences windows.  Note that for this feature to function properly, the value of the ChangeAddressFieldToIncidentIdentificationFieldOnSearchWindow key must be configured as "false".


Displays the search by protocol field at the top of the Calls and Occurrences window in the Manage Calls and Monitoring sections, and in the Occurrences window of the Manage Dispatches section. When its value is "false", the search by address is enabled at the top of the window, while the search by identifier or protocol number is available in the advanced search feature.


Displays the button for disassociating a service unit in the tab for service units in the Manage Dispatches section.


Displays the button that indicates the arrival of a service unit at the location of the occurrence, in the tab for service units in the Manage Dispatches section.


Enables the feature for automatically completing the Street field in the advanced search feature in the Calls and Occurrences and Occurrences windows.


Changes the format of the City field, displaying a list of options in the main search feature for the Calls and Occurrences and Occurrences windows.


Hides the "On Hold" status in the list of dispatch requests in the Manage Dispatches section.


Minimizes the impact in the system when the spreadsheet of calls and occurrences is exported. Note that, for this feature to work correctly, the value of the EnableIncidentReport key must be configured as "true".


Limits the number of dispatch groups that can be selected in the Manage Dispatches and Police Car Assignment sections. This key accepts only positive whole numbers.


Enables the automatic completion feature for the Category field in the form for creating a call and for the Final Category field when completing a dispatch request in the Manage Dispatches section.


Enables zoom on the map when completing the District, Street, and Number fields in the form for creating a call.


Displays the code of the category in the pop-up window that appears when a call or occurrence is clicked on the map.


Displays the Description field in the pop-up window that appears when a call or occurrence is clicked on the map.


Displays the Reference field in the pop-up window that appears when a call or occurrence is clicked on the map.


Displays the Assigned Police Cars field in the pop-up window that appears when a call or occurrence is clicked on the map. This field will only be displayed when service units are associated.