Format for Completing All Attributes Except Relationship Custom Attributes

Example for completing a Link attribute:



Example for completing an E-mail attribute:



Example for completing a Text attribute:

"text":"text attribute test"


Example for completing a Paragraph attribute: (the "\n" is seen as a line break by the system):

"paragraph":"first paragraph\nsecond paragraph\nthird paragraph"


Example for completing a Date/Time attribute (see section Technical Orientations -> Valid Format for Date and Time Fields):



Example for completing a Number attribute that does not support decimal places:



Example for completing a Number attribute that supports decimal places:



Example for completing an Outline attribute:

"outline":["outline 1","outline 2"]


Example for completing a single-select List of Options attribute:

"singleselection":"option 1"


Example for completing a multi-select List of Options attribute:

"multipleselection":["option 1","option 2"]


Example for completing an Attachment attribute:

"attachment":[{"Id": "1a4d5ee1-60be-4cc2-bfa3-fff3938b4791","FileName":"profits_by_trimester.pdf"}]


Example for completing a Formula attribute with a numeric output:



Example for completing a multi-line Georeference attribute:



Example for completing an Image attribute:

"image":[{"Id":"5a35aa7d-fc36-4d14-8bb7-3064e06c8f0d","FileName": "client_logo.jpg"}]