Valid Format for Date and Time Fields

To define the values, date and time fields should be converted from the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format to the Epoch Timestamp format, which is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 ( For example, a date and time of "2011-11-03 15:36:23" is converted to "1320335183486". When sent through the API, it should be in UTC time and in the following format: "\/Date(1320335183486-0000)\/" (the time zone should not be sent "-0000"). Note that the values returned by the API may include the suffix of the time zone used in the server where the system was installed ("\/Date(1320335183486-0200)\/").

To create ODATA filters, the format used should be "(Field op datetime'YYYY-MM-DD')", where "Field" is the field to be filtered and "op" is the operator used. Filters should be used with time intervals and not with the equal operator (eq). For example, "(Created ge datetime'2011-09-19')" and "(Created It datetime'2011-09-20')" instead of "(Created eq '2011-09-19)".