Create Event with Custom Attributes

Creates an event with custom attributes in the Workflow module.









This feature does not have parameters.



Title (Required): Name of the event to be created in the Workflow module. Limit of 2,500 characters.

Description (Required): Description of the event to be created in the Workflow module. Limit of 5,500 characters.

Progress (Optional): The percentage of progress for the event. Valid values: from 0 to 100.

Urgency (Required): Urgency of the event to be created in the Workflow module. Valid values: whole numbers between 1 and 5, with 1 (Very Low), 2 (Low), 3 (Medium), 4 (High), and 5 (Very High).

Relevance (Optional): Relevance of the event to be created in the Workflow module. Valid values: whole numbers between 1 and 5, with 1 (Very Low), 2 (Low), 3 (Medium), 4 (High), and 5 (Very High). If not specified, the event will be created with the relevance provided for the application in the Authorized Applications section of the Administration module.

Severity (Optional): Severity of the event to be created in the Workflow module. Valid values: whole numbers between 1 and 5, with 1 (Very Low), 2 (Low), 3 (Medium), 4 (High), and 5 (Very High). If not specified, the event will be created with the severity provided for the application in the Authorized Applications section of the Administration module.

Latitude (Optional; Required if the "Longitude" field is completed): Latitude of the event’s location in the Workflow module. Valid values: from -90.0 to +90.0. The decimal mark must be represented by a period and not a comma.

Longitude (Optional; Required if the "Latitude" field is completed): Longitude of the event’s location in the Workflow module. Valid values: from -180.0 to +180.0. The decimal mark must be represented by a period and not a comma.

GeolocationDescription (Optional): Description of the event’s geographic location in the Workflow module. Limit of 1,000 characters.

ExpectedStartDate (Optional): Expected start date for the event. Valid format: see Technical Orientations -> Valid Format for Date and Time Fields.

ExpectedEndDate (Optional): Expected end date for the event. Valid format: see Technical Orientations -> Valid Format for Date and Time Fields.

StartDate (Optional): Real start date for the event. Valid format: see Technical Orientations -> Valid Format for Date and Time Fields.

EndDate (Optional): Real end date for the event. Valid format: see Technical Orientations -> Valid Format for Date and Time Fields.

Deadline (Optional): Deadline set for the event. Valid format: see Technical Orientations -> Valid Format for Date and Time Fields.

Value (Optional): Numeric value for thepage_size event. Valid values: positive real numbers.

Notify (Optional): Notify users via e-mail when the event is updated. Valid values: true or false. If not specified, the event will be created with the notification option selected for the application in the Authorized Applications section of the Administration module.

ParentEvent (Optional): Code of the parent event. Valid values: registered event codes.

Coordinator (Optional): Person or group assigned as coordinator of the event. Valid format: {"Name": "Person name", "Type": "Person"} or {"Name": "Group name", "Type": "Group"}. If left blank, the event will be created with the coordinator specified for the application in the Authorized Applications section of the Administration module.

Responsible (Optional): Person or group assigned as responsible for the event. Valid format: {"Name": "Person name", "Type": "Person"} or {"Name": "Group name", "Type": "Group"}. If left blank, the event will be created with the person responsible specified for the application in the Authorized Applications section of the Administration module.

Involved (Optional): People or groups involved in the event. Valid format: [{"Name": "Person name", "Type": "Person"}, {"Name": "Group name", "Type": "Group"},...].

FirstReviewer (Optional): First reviewer assigned to the event created. Valid format: {"Name": "Person name", "Type": "Person"} or {"Name": "Group name", "Type": "Group"}.

SecondReviewer (Optional): Second reviewer assigned to the event created. Valid format: {"Name": "Person name", "Type": "Person"} or {"Name": "Group name", "Type": "Group"}.

ThirdReviewer (Optional): Third reviewer assigned to the event created. Valid format: {"Name": "Person name", "Type": "Person"} or {"Name": "Group name", "Type": "Group"}.

Data (Optional): File to be attached to the event. Maximum file size is 10 MB. The file bytes must be converted to a base64 string before sending.

FileName (Optional; Required if the "Data" field is completed): Name used to identify the attachment. This name can later be used to recover the file.

Comment (Optional; Required if the "Progress" field OR the "Data" field is completed): Comment with the reason the event was updated.

CustomAttributes (Optional): List of objects with information on event attributes. Each attribute is referenced by its variable name

EventType (Optional): Type of event. If not specified, the event will be created with the event type provided for the application in the Authorized Applications section of the Administration module. This field supports all event types except the Compliance Event and Risk Event types.


Note 1: The "null" value in CustomAttributes fields indicates that the inserted values will be deleted. In the other fields, the "null" value means that they will be ignored.

Note 2: Formula attributes are read only, and will be ignored if sent through the API.




"Title" : "Event 01",

"Description" : "Event description",

"Urgency" : 1,

"Relevance" : 4,

"Severity" : 3,

"Latitude" : 40.7306,
"Longitude" : -73.9352,
"GeolocationDescription" : "New York"
"Progress" : 30,
"Comment" : "The event has reached 30% of its progress."

"EventType" : "Generic Event"

"CustomAttributes": {

"custom_text":"attribute info",


"custom_singleselect":"option 1",







The code of the newly created event. Returns a string.