Consolidating Risk Metrics

This topic explains how the risk metrics used by the system can be consolidated, from the most granular level to the highest level. First, the hierarchical structure governing objects must be explained so that you can understand how these consolidations move from lower to higher levels.

In the Organization module, there are two main ways to view the organizational structure: through perimeters or through business components. A business component can be either from the strategic or tactical level. Tactical business components support strategic business components, acting as intermediaries between the strategic business components and the assets. A strategic business component can be associated with various tactical business components and vice versa.

Similarly, a perimeter can group several assets (physically or logically), but an asset can only be located in one perimeter. Tactical business components can be associated with several assets, and a single asset can support various tactical business components.

Assets can be classified into types. In the system, there are four default types (person, process, technology, and environment). However, if these do not sufficiently categorize assets according to your organization's needs, additional asset types can be created in the Administration module. For details on creating custom asset types, see Chapter 17: Administration -> Customizations -> Object Types.

In addition, each asset can have several asset components, but an asset component can only belong to a single asset. Asset components are also classified into types, according to the asset they belong to.

The hierarchy of these objects is shown below (see figure below):



Although these objects are structured in the Organization module, they are also related to other objects in other system modules.

A knowledge base is the highest object in the hierarchy from the Knowledge module. It is essentially a list of controls, detailing good practices that will be verified during a risk management project. While a knowledge base contains several controls, a control only belongs to a single knowledge base. Within a knowledge base, controls can be organized into groupings. A control is also associated with one or more threats.

Information from both the Organization and Knowledge module is used to create a risk project in the Risk module. The asset component to be analyzed comes from the Organization module, and a knowledge base from the Knowledge module is used to create the questionnaire (see figure below).



Given this information, the tables below can be used for reference to understand the results shown in risk projects, reports, and queries. They explain how each type of risk metric is calculated for each type of object.


Controlled PSR

Identified PSR

Non-Applicable PSR

control x

PSR of the implemented control

PSR of the non-implemented control

PSR of the non-applicable control

threat x


PSR sum of the implemented controls associated with the threat

PSR sum of the implemented controls associated with the threat

PSR sum of the non-implemented controls associated with the threat

knowledge base x


PSR sum of the implemented controls from the questionnaire generated based on the knowledge base

PSR sum of the non-implemented controls from the questionnaire generated based on the knowledge base

PSR sum of the non-applicable controls from the questionnaire generated based on the knowledge base

questionnaire x


PSR sum of the implemented controls from the questionnaire

PSR sum of the non-implemented controls from the questionnaire

PSR sum of the non-applicable controls from the questionnaire

grouping x


PSR sum of the implemented controls from the grouping

PSR sum of the non-implemented controls from the grouping

PSR sum of the non-applicable controls from the grouping

asset component x


PSR sum of the implemented controls from the questionnaire from the asset component

PSR sum of the non-implemented controls from the questionnaire from the asset component

PSR sum of the non-applicable controls from the questionnaire from the asset component

asset x


PSR sum of the implemented controls from the asset component from the asset

PSR sum of the non-implemented controls from the asset component from the asset

PSR sum of the non-applicable controls from the asset component from the asset

asset type x


PSR sum of the implemented controls for the asset type

PSR sum of the non-implemented controls for the asset type

PSR sum of the non-applicable controls for the asset type

perimeter x


PSR sum of the implemented controls for the assets from the perimeter

PSR sum of the non-implemented controls for the assets from the perimeter

PSR sum of the non-applicable controls for the assets from the perimeter

tactical business component x


PSR sum for the implemented controls from the assets associated with the tactical business component

PSR sum for the non-implemented controls from the assets associated with the tactical business component

PSR sum for the non-applicable controls from the assets associated with the tactical business component

strategic business component x


PSR sum of the implemented controls for the assets associated with the strategic business component

PSR sum for the non-implemented controls from the assets associated with the strategic business component


PSR sum for the non-applicable controls from the assets associated with the strategic business component



Applicable PSR

control x


threat x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the controls associated with the threat

knowledge base x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the questionnaire associated with the knowledge base

questionnaire x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the questionnaire

grouping x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the grouping

asset component x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the questionnaire associated with the asset component

asset x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the asset component associated with the asset

asset type x

Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the asset type

perimeter x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the assets from the perimeter

tactical business component x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the assets associated with the tactical business component

strategic business component x


Sum of the Identified PSR with the Controlled PSR of the assets associated with the strategic business component



Risk Index (x 100%)

Security Index (x 100%)

control x



threat x


Identified PSR of the controls associated with the threat / PSR of the applicable controls associated with the threat

Controlled PSR of the controls associated with the threat / PSR of the applicable controls associated with the threat

knowledge base x

Identified PSR of the knowledge base / PSR of the applicable controls from the knowledge base

Controlled PSR of the knowledge base / PSR of the applicable controls from the knowledge base

questionnaire x


Identified PSR of the questionnaire / PSR of the applicable controls from the questionnaire

Controlled PSR of the questionnaire / PSR of the applicable controls from the questionnaire

grouping x

Identified PSR of the grouping / PSR of the applicable controls from the grouping

Controlled PSR of the grouping / PSR of the applicable controls from the grouping

asset component x

Identified PSR of the questionnaire associated with the asset component / PSR of the applicable controls from the grouping

Controlled PSR of the questionnaire associated with the asset component / PSR of the applicable controls from the grouping

asset x

Identified PSR of the questionnaire associated with the asset component / PSR of the applicable controls from the grouping

Controlled PSR of the questionnaire associated with the asset component / PSR of the applicable controls from the grouping

asset type x

Identified PSR of the asset components associated with the asset type / PSR of the applicable controls from the asset components associated with the asset type

Controlled PSR of the asset components associated with the asset type / PSR of the applicable controls from the asset components associated with the asset type

perimeter x

Identified PSR of the assets associated with the perimeter / PSR of the applicable controls from the assets associated with the perimeter

Controlled PSR of the assets associated with the perimeter / PSR of the applicable controls from the assets associated with the perimeter

tactical business component x

Identified PSR of the assets associated with the tactical business component / PSR of the applicable controls from the assets associated with the tactical business component

Controlled PSR of the assets associated with the tactical business component / PSR of the applicable controls from the assets associated with the tactical business component

strategic business component x

Identified PSR of the assets associated with the strategic business component / PSR of the applicable controls from the assets associated with the strategic business component

Controlled PSR of the assets associated with the strategic business component / PSR of the applicable controls from the assets associated with the strategic business component



Gap Index

Control Index

control x



threat x

Total non-implemented controls associated with the threat / Total applicable controls associated with the threat

Total implemented controls associated with the threat / Total applicable controls associated with the threat

knowledge base x

Total non-implemented controls for the questionnaire from the knowledge base / Total applicable controls for the questionnaire from the knowledge base

Total implemented controls for the questionnaire from the knowledge base / Total applicable controls for the questionnaire from the knowledge base

questionnaire x


Total non-implemented controls for the questionnaire/ Total applicable controls for the questionnaire

Total implemented controls for the questionnaire / Total applicable controls for the questionnaire

grouping x

Total non-implemented controls for the grouping / Total applicable controls for the grouping

Total implemented controls for the grouping / Total applicable controls for the grouping

asset component x

Total non-implemented controls for the questionnaire associated with the asset component / Total applicable controls for the questionnaire associated with the asset component

Total implemented controls for the questionnaire associated with the asset component / Total applicable controls for the questionnaire associated with the asset component

asset x


Total non-implemented controls for the asset components associated with the asset / Total applicable controls for the asset components associated with the asset

Total implemented controls for the asset components associated with the asset / Total applicable controls for the asset components associated with the asset

asset type x


Total non-implemented controls for the asset components associated with the asset type / Total applicable controls for the asset components associated with the asset type

Total implemented controls for the asset components associated with the asset type / Total applicable controls for the asset components associated with the asset type

perimeter x


Total non-implemented controls for the assets from the perimeter / Total applicable controls for the assets from the perimeter

Total implemented controls for the assets from the perimeter / Total applicable controls for the assets from the perimeter

tactical business component x


Total non-implemented controls for the assets associated with the tactical business component / Total applicable controls for the assets associated with the tactical business component

Total implemented controls for the assets associated with the tactical business component / Total applicable controls for the assets associated with the tactical business component

strategic business component x


Total non-implemented controls for the assets associated with the strategic business component / Total applicable controls for the assets associated with the strategic business component

Total implemented controls for the assets associated with the strategic business component / Total applicable controls for the assets associated with the strategic business component