Characteristics Common to Workflow Features



All URLs pertaining to features for managing events from the Workflow module are preceded by the service address, for example:

This address is identified below by: {WSUrl}.



All objects are sent bare (not wrapped) and may be in JSON or XML format. Their type must be specified in the Content-Type header. For further details, see Technical Orientations -> Content-Type.



All returned objects are sent bare (not wrapped) and may be in JSON or XML format, depending on the type specified in the Accept or Content-Type headers. For further details, see Technical Orientations -> Accept.



If an error occurs while a feature is being executed, a JSON object will be returned in the following format:


string error;

string error_description;

string[] error_details;

string [] error_uri;

ApiApplicationError[] app_errors;



The ApiApplicationError object is in the following format:



string error_code;

string parameter_name;

string[] values;



Depending on the error_code, a parameter_name may be returned along with a list of values. For the meaning of each, see Error Handling -> Detailed API Errors.