Detailed API Errors

Below are all of the possible errors returned by the ApiApplicationError object. When there is no description of the Parameter_Name or Values, they will always be null.

    ServiceUnavailable: When the API service is unavailable.

    UnauthorizedToken: When the user cannot access the Workflow module or when the access token does not have adequate permission to perform the operation.

    InvalidOrNoToken: When the token is invalid or has expired.

    UserDoesNotHaveAccessToResource: When the user has access to the Workflow module but not to a certain Workflow event.

    InvalidApiCall: When the URL or HTTP method called is incorrect.

    InvalidQueryStringParameterValue: When one of the values of the query string is not in the correct format.

Parameter_Name: Name of the parameter with the invalid value.

    InvalidDataObjectFormat: When the JSON or XML object sent is in an invalid format.

    DataObjectRequired: When the JSON or XML object was not sent.

    ValidationOutOfRange: When the value of a parameter is outside its limits.

Parameter_Name: Name of the parameter outside the limits.

Values: The start and end values of the allowed interval.

    ValidationRequired: When a required field has not been sent.

Parameter_Name: Name of the required parameter.

    ValidationLengthExceeded: When the size of the field is outside its limits.

Parameter_Name: Name of the parameter that exceeded the limit.

Values: Maximum size allowed.

    ValidationMustBeGreaterThan: When a parameter has a lower value than the minimum expected.

Parameter_Name: Name of the parameter with the value below the minimum.

Values: The minimum value.

    ValidationMustBeLessThan: When a parameter exceeds the maximum expected.

Parameter_Name: Name of the parameter with the value above the maximum.

Values: The maximum value.

    WorkflowManageEventConfigurationNotSet: When an authorized application does not have the requested feature configured.

    WorkflowEventMustBeInProgressToUpdate: When an update for an event is requested and the status of the event is different from Open (value 1).

    WorkflowEventNotFound: When the code for the Workflow event is incorrect or non-existent.

    ServerTooBusy: When the server is too busy and cannot answer the request.

    NoAcceptableMimeType: When the "Accept" field from the HTTP header is sent with an unsupported MIME type. The MIME types supported are: application/json, application/* (returned in JSON format), text/xml, application/xml, text/* (returned in XML format), */* and * (returned in JSON format).

Parameter_Name: fixed to “Accept”.

Values: The MIME types supported.

    WorkflowEventCantBeReopened: When a Workflow event is cancelled, it cannot be reopened.

    WorkflowEventCantBeCanceled: When a Workflow event is closed, it cannot be cancelled.

    EntityNotFound: When a person or group has not been located in the database of users or groups in Modulo Risk Manager.

Parameter_Name: Name of the parameter with the invalid value.

Values: Name of the invalid person or group.

    Unexpected: When an error occurs that is not listed above.

    Entity Duplicated: When a person (or group) is included as involved in an event from the Workflow module but their name is duplicated in Modulo Risk Manager.