Chapter 3: Organization

This chapter provides orientation on managing assets, business components, and people through the Organization module.

In this module, you can manage all organizational objects, from an asset component to the most important strategic business component.

The Organization module is divided into six sections:

    Assets: here you can manage the organization’s perimeters, assets, and asset components.

    Business Components: here you can manage business components from the tactical and strategic levels, as well as edit their associations and attributes. In addition, an integrated overview of these components can be obtained.

    People: here you can manage people and groups of people from your organization.

    Projects: here you can manage organizational projects, which are used to update properties and attributes of objects.

    Organizational Queries: here you can query information on the objects in the organizational structure and query risk indicators consolidated for different objects in the organizational structure.

    Export/Import: here you can export, edit, and import information on the organization, using an import template.

    Organizational Risk Reports: here you can generate reports with information consolidated for organizational objects, as well as schedule these reports to be sent.