Audit Log

This section provides orientation on viewing records of activities performed in the system through the Administration module.

Activities performed in the system can be monitored through the audit log. The audit log displays the records of activities, the module the activity originated from, the date on which it took place, and the system account used for it, if applicable.

Listed below are the entries for system activities tracked by the audit log:

Module of Origin

Audit Log Entry



The profile picture for "{user}" was changed.

When a user changes their profile picture in the Preferences section of the Home module.


The profile picture for "{user}" was changed by "{user}".

When an administrator changes the photo for a user in the Manage Users section of the Organization module.


The "{asset component}" asset component from the "{asset}" asset was deleted by "{username}".

When an asset component is deleted from the organizational structure in the Assets section.


The "{asset}" asset from the "{perimeter}" perimeter was deleted by "{username}".

When an asset is deleted from the organizational structure in the Assets section.


The "{perimeter name}" perimeter was deleted by "{user}".

When a perimeter is deleted from the organizational structure in the Assets section.


The person {name} was added to the {group} group.

When a person is added to a group under Manage Groups of People from the People section.


The person {name} was removed from the {group} group.

When a person is removed from a group under Manage Groups of People from the People section.


The "{project name}" organizational project ({project code}) was deleted.

When an organizational project is deleted.


The "{project name}" organizational project ({project code}) was cancelled.

When an organizational project is cancelled.


The "{project name}" organizational project ({project code}) was closed.

When an organizational project is closed.


The "{project name}" organizational project ({project code}) was reopened.

When an organizational project is reopened.


The "{object}" object in project {project code} was deleted from the scope by "{username}".

When an object is deleted from the scope of an organizational project.


The spreadsheet for organizational information was imported on {date and time}. A total of {number of assets} asset(s) and {number of people} person(s) were updated. A total of {number of assets} asset(s), {number of asset components} asset component(s), {number of perimeters} perimeters, {number of associations} association(s) between assets and business components, {number of associations} association(s) between tactical and strategic business components, and {number of people} person(s) were created. A total of {number of assets} asset(s), {number of asset components} asset component(s), {number of perimeters} perimeter(s), {number of associations} association(s) between assets and tactical business components, and {number of associations} association(s) between tactical and strategic business components were deleted.

When a spreadsheet with organizational information is successfully imported in the Export/Import section.


An error occurred when importing the spreadsheet with organizational information on {date and time}.

When a spreadsheet containing invalid information is imported in the Export/Import section.

ERM (on demand)

Event {event code} was created to treat the "{risk name}" enterprise risk.

When a treatment event is created in the Workflow module to treat an enterprise risk in the ERM solution.


The "{asset component}" asset component from the "{asset}" asset in project {project code} was deleted from the scope by "{username}".

When an asset component is deleted from the scope of a risk project.


The "{asset}" asset in the scope of vulnerabilities from project {project code} was deleted by "{username}".

When a technology asset is deleted from the scope of vulnerabilities of a risk project.


The "{project name}" risk project ({project code}) was deleted.

When a risk project is deleted.


The "{project name}" risk project ({project code}) was cancelled.

When a risk project is cancelled.


The "{project name}" risk project ({project code}) was closed.

When a risk project is closed.


The analysis of project {project code} was closed by "{username}".

When the analysis phase of a risk project is closed.


The analysis of project {project code} was reopened by "{username}".

When the analysis phase of a risk project is reopened.


The "{interview name}" interview for the "{object name}" object in project {project code} was sent to "{interviewee name}" by "{username}".

When an interview is sent to the interviewee.


The "{interview name}" interview for the "{object name}" object in project {project code} was scheduled to be sent on {date and time}.

When an interview is scheduled to be sent to the interviewee.


The "{interview name}" interview for the "{object name}" object in project {project code} was re-sent to "{interviewee name}" by "{username}".

When an interview is re-sent by the reviewer to the interviewee.


The questionnaire (ID {ID number}) in project {project code} was opened by "{username}".

When a questionnaire in a risk project is opened.


The questionnaire (ID {ID number}) in project {project code} was closed by "{username}".

When a questionnaire in a risk project is closed.


The questionnaire (ID {ID}) in project {project code} was reopened by "{username}".

When a questionnaire in a risk project is reopened.


The "{object}" object associated with the "{survey}" survey in project {project code} was deleted from the scope by "{username}".

When an object is deleted from the scope of a compliance project.


The "{project name}" compliance project ({project code}) was deleted.

When a compliance project is deleted.


The "{project name}" compliance project ({project code}) was cancelled.

When a compliance project is cancelled.


The "{project name}" compliance project ({project code}) was closed.

When a compliance project is closed.


The "{interview name}" interview for the "{object name}" object in project {project code} was sent to "{interviewee name}" by "{username}".

When an interview is sent to the interviewee.


The "{interview name}" interview for the "{object name}" object in project {project code} was scheduled to be sent on {date and time}.

When an interview is scheduled to be sent to the interviewee.


The "{interview name}" interview for the "{object name}" object in project {project code} was re-sent to "{interviewee name}" by "{username}".

When an interview is re-sent by the reviewer to the interviewee.


The revision workflow of the {ID} - "{policy name}" policy was started.

When a policy revision workflow is started.


The "{policy name}" policy (ID {ID}) was sent to "{reviewer}" for revision.

When a policy is sent for revision.


The "{policy name}" policy (ID {ID}) was sent to "{approver}" for approval.

When a policy is sent for approval.


The revision workflow of the {ID} - "{policy name}" policy was finalized, and the policy was "{result}.

When a policy revision workflow is finalized.


The following people were included in the audience of the "{document name}" authoritative document: {name of person or group} ({type – person or group}).

When a person or group is included in the audience of an authoritative document.


The following people were removed from the audience of the "{document name}" authoritative document: {name of person or group} ({type – person or group}).

When a person or group is removed from the audience of an authoritative document.


User "{username}" attached the "{file name}" file to the "{document name}" authoritative document.

When a file is attached to an authoritative document.


User "{username}" removed the "{file name}" file from the "{document name}" authoritative document.

When an attachment is deleted from an authoritative document.


The "{name of authoritative document}" authoritative document, version {version number}, was deleted.

When an authoritative document is deleted.


A total of {CCEs created} new CCEs were imported to the system and {CCEs edited} were updated.

When CCEs are imported to the system through the Import CCEs option in the CCEs section.


The person "{person name}" was added to the "{rule name}" access rule.

When a person is added to an access rule of the Intelligence solution.


The "{reportName}" default report in {language} from the Intelligence solution was created by Modulo. File name: "{fileName}".

When a default report of the Intelligence solution is created.


The "{reportName}" default report in {language} from the Intelligence solution was updated by Modulo. File name: "{fileName}".

When a default report of the Intelligence solution is updated.


The "{report name}" report was deleted.

When an intelligence report is deleted.


The "{query name}" query was created.

When a REST query is created.


The query was run by "{username}" with the following parameters: {parameters}.

When a REST query is run.


The "{query name}" query was edited.

When a REST query is edited.


The "{query name}" query was renamed to "{query name}".

When a REST query is renamed.


The "{query name}" query was deleted.

When a REST query is deleted.


The call on "{date}" between the "{parameter 1, parameter 2}" phone numbers was played by "{username}".

When a call recording is played.


The user "{username}" requested an SMS to be sent to the following recipients: "{number}".

When a user sends an SMS message through the system.


The following people or groups were included in the audience of the "{query}" query: {members}.

When a person or group of people is added to the audience of a REST query.


The following people or groups were removed from the audience of the "{query}" query: {members}.

When a person or group of people is removed from the audience of a REST query.


Event {event code} (type: {event type}) was deleted.

When an event is deleted.


The event's type (code: {event code}) was changed by "{username}" from {former event type} to {new event type}.

When an event's type is changed.


The "{query name}" query was created.

When an event or activity query is created.


The "{query name}" query was edited.

When an event or activity query is edited.


The "{query name}" query was renamed to "{query name}".

When an event or activity query is renamed.


The "{query name}" query was deleted.


When an event or activity query is deleted.


The following people or groups were included in the audience of the "{query}" query: {members}.

When a person or group of people is added to the audience of an event or activity query.


The following people or groups were removed from the audience of the "{query}" query: {members}.

When a person or group of people is removed from the audience of an event or activity query.


The "{category}" call category was created.

When a call category is created.


The "{category}" call category was edited.

When a call category is edited.


The "{category}" call category was deleted.

When a call category is deleted.


The "{operating procedure}" operating procedure was created.

When an operating procedure is created.


The "{operating procedure}" operating procedure was edited.

When an operating procedure is edited.


The "{operating procedure}" operating procedure was deleted.

When an operating procedure is deleted.


The "{ID type}" ID type was created.

When an ID type is created.


The "{ID type}" ID type was edited.

When an ID type is edited.


The "{ID type}" ID type was deleted.

When an ID type is deleted.


The "{call origin}" call origin was created.

When a call origin is created.


The "{call origin}" call origin was edited.

When a call origin is edited.


The "{call origin}" call origin was deleted.

When a call origin is deleted.


The "{query name}" query was created.

When a call query is created.


The "{query name}" query was edited.

When a call query is edited.


The "{query name}" query was renamed to "{query name}".

When a call query is renamed.


The "{query name}" query was deleted.

When a call query is deleted.


The following people or groups were included in the audience of the "{query}" query: {members}.

When a person or group of people is added to the audience of a call query.


The following people or groups were removed from the audience of the "{query}" query: {members}.

When a person or group of people is removed from the audience of a call query.


The "{module name}" module was created.

When a custom module is created.


The "{module name}" module was enabled.

When a custom module is enabled.


The "{module name}" module was disabled.

When a custom module is disabled.


The "{section name}" section of the "{module name}" module was deleted.

When a section of a custom module is deleted.


Automatic deletion of log entries was enabled by "{username}", and a maximum of {number of days} days was set for entries to expire.

When the automatic deletion of audit log entries is enabled and configured.


Automatic deletion of log entries was disabled by "{username}".

When the automatic deletion of audit log entries is disabled.


The log entries from before {date} were deleted.

When entries in the audit log are automatically deleted.


The parameters for risk projects to become obsolete were changed: {number of days or if this feature was enabled or disabled}.

When configurations are set for obsolescence of risk projects.


The parameters for compliance projects to become obsolete were changed: {number of days or if this feature was enabled or disabled}.

When configurations are set for obsolescence of compliance projects.


The parameters for authoritative documents to become obsolete were changed: {number of days or if this feature was enabled or disabled}.

When configurations are set for obsolescence of authoritative documents.


The "{message title}" corporate message was created.

When a corporate message is created.


The title of the "{old message title}" corporate message was edited to "{new message title}".

When the title of a corporate message is edited.


The text of the "{message title}" corporate message was edited.

When the text of a corporate message is edited.


A file was attached to the "{message title}" corporate message.

When a file is attached to a corporate message.


The expiration date of the "{message title}" corporate message was edited.

When the expiration date of a corporate message is edited.


The "{message title}" corporate message was pinned to the top of the list.

When a corporate message is pinned to the top of the corporate message list of the Home module.


The "{message title}" corporate message was deleted.

When a corporate message is deleted.


The following business component attributes were defined as continuity attributes: {attributes}.

When an attribute is added to the Continuity Requirements tab of business components under Continuity Module Options in the Customizations section.


The "{attribut name}" business component attribute was removed from the list of continuity attributes.

When an attribute is removed from the Continuity Requirements tab of business components under Continuity Module Options in the Customizations section.


The "{attribute name}" attribute was created and associated with events of the following types: {event types}.

When an attribute is created for event types.


The "{attribute}" attribute, which is associated with events of the following types, was edited: {event types}.

When an attribute applied to one or more event types is edited.


The "{attribute name}" attribute was deleted from events of the following types: {event types}.

When an event attribute applied to one or more event types is deleted.


The attribute "{attribute name}" of the object {object name} was deleted.

When an attribute of any object, except the Workflow events, is deleted.


The asset type "{type name}" was created by user "{username}".

When an asset type is created.


The asset type "{type name}" was edited by user "{name}".

When an asset type is edited.


The asset type "{type name}" was deleted by user "{name}".

When an asset type is deleted.


The "{type name}" business component type was created.

When a business component type is created.


The "{type name}" business component type was updated.

When a business component type is edited.


The "{type name}" business component type was deleted.

When a business component type is deleted.


The "{type name}" event type was deleted by "{person}".

When an event type is deleted.


The layout of the "{type name}" event type was created by "{username}".

When a custom layout is created for an event type.


The custom layout of the "{type name}" event type was published to the events by "{username}".

When a custom layout created for an event type is applied to the events of that type.


The custom layout for the event type "{event type}" was published by "{user}".

When a custom layout for an event type is published.


The custom layout for "{event type}" events was deleted by "{user}".

When a custom layout for an event type is deleted.


The "{type name}" event type and its layout were deleted by "{username}".

When an event type with a custom layout is deleted.


The default layout of the "{type name}" event type was restored by "{user}".

When the default layout of an event type is restored.


The layout published for the "{type name}" event type contains invalid default values. Make the necessary changes and publish it again.

When a layout is not configured correctly.


The default layout of the "{type name}" event type was restored because it is invalid.

When a custom event layout contains one or more errors and the user chooses to restore the default layout until the problem is solved.


Events of the "{type name}" type were blocked because its layout contains invalid default values.

When a custom event layout contains one or more errors and the user chooses to block events of the type until the problem is solved.


The formula used in the Risk Score for vulnerabilities was modified by "{username}".

When the formula for the Risk Score is edited.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule was created for all event types by "{username}".

When a workflow rule is created and applied to all event types.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule was enabled by "{username}".

When a workflow rule is enabled.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule was disabled by "{username}".

When a workflow rule is disabled.


The properties of the "{workflow rule name}" rule were edited by "{username}".

When a workflow rule is edited.


The "{original name}" rule was renamed to "{new name}" by "{username}".

When a workflow rule is renamed.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule was disabled because one or more of its conditions or actions is invalid.

When a workflow rule is automatically disabled.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule was deleted from all event types by "{username}".

When a workflow rule applied to all event types is deleted.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule, applied to {object name} of the {object type} type, was created by "{login}".

When a workflow rule is created for one or more default or custom object types.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule was created for all types of {object name} by "{user}".

When a workflow rule is created and applied for all default or custom object types.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule, applicable to {object} of the type {object type}, was deleted by "{user}".

When a workflow rule, created and applied to one or more default or custom object types, is deleted.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule was deleted from all types of {object name} by "{user}".

When a workflow rule applied to all default or custom object types is deleted.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule was created for {project type} projects.

When a workflow rule is created for a project type.


The "{workflow rule name}" rule, applied to projects of the {project type} type, was deleted.

When a workflow rule applied to a project type is deleted.


Automatic acceptance of risks for project "{project code}" was finished on {date}.

When risks (controls or vulnerabilities) in a risk project are automatically accepted by a workflow rule.


Automatic acceptance of the non-compliances in the "{project code}" was finished on {date}.

When non-compliances in a compliance project are automatically accepted by a workflow rule.


The "{name}" justification was deleted.

When a justification is deleted under Justifications in the Projects option of the Customizations section.


The {template} template for the interview was updated in {language} by "{username}".

When the template used for the Proof of Interview Completion and List of Answers Provided documents in project interviews is updated under Projects in the Customizations section.


The template for the interview was updated in by "user".

When the template used for the Proof of Interview Completion and List of Answers Provided documents in project interviews is restored to default under Projects in the Customizations section.


A new password was generated for the user {username}.

When a new password is generated for a user under Manage Users in the Access Control section.


The username and password for "{username}" were sent to {email}.

When a username and password are sent to the user via e-mail under Manage Users in the Access Control section.


The task for deleting the user "{username}" was accepted by {author}.

When a user is deleted through an external directory and the person responsible for the integration between the system and the directory indicates that this user should also be deleted in the system, available under Manage Users in the Access Control section.


The task for deleting the user "{username}" was postponed by {author}.

When a user is deleted through an external directory and the person responsible for the integration between the system and the directory indicates that the deletion of this user in the system should be postponed, available under Manage Users in the Access Control section.


The task for deleting the user "{username}" was rejected by {author}.

When a user is deleted through an external directory and the person responsible for the integration between the system and the directory indicates that this user should not also be deleted in the system, available under Manage Users in the Access Control section.


The username "{username}" was created for the person {person}.

When a username is created for a person in Manage Users from the Access Control section.


The default authorization policy for the system was restored.

When the default settings for the authorization policy are restored in Authorization Policy in the Access Control section.


The person {name} was added to the {profile} profile.

When a person is added to a profile in Access Profiles from the Access Control section.


The person {name} was removed from the {profile} profile.

When a person is removed from a profile in Access Profiles from the Access Control section.


The {group} group was added to the {profile} profile.

When a group is added to a profile in Access Profiles from the Access Control section.


The {group} group was removed from the {profile} profile.

When a group is removed from a profile in Access Profiles from the Access Control section.


The {privilege} privilege was granted to the {profile} profile.

When a privilege is granted to an access profile in Authorization Policy in the Access Control section.


The {privilege} privilege was revoked for the {profile} profile.

When a privilege is revoked for an access profile in Authorization Policy in the Access Control section.


The {privilege} privilege was granted to the {role} role.

When a privilege is granted to a role in Authorization Policy in the Access Control section.


The {privilege} privilege was revoked for the {role} role.

When a privilege is revoked for a role in Authorization Policy in the Access Control section.


The person {name} was assigned to the Event Manager role for the {event type} type.

When a person is assigned as manager of an event type in Object Types in the Customizations section.


The person {name} was removed from the Event Manager role for the {event type} type.

When a person is removed as manager of an event type in Object Types in the Customizations section.


The {name} group was assigned to the role of Event Manager for the {event type} type.

When a group is assigned as managers of an event type in Object Types in the Customizations section.


The {name} group was removed from the Event Manager role for the {event type} type.

When a group is removed as managers of an event type in Object Types in the Customizations section.


The system logo was changed by "{user}".

When the system logo is changed in Display Options in the Customizations section.


The "{task name}" integration task was executed successfully.

When an integration task is run and no errors occur.


An error occurred when executing the "{task name}" integration task.

When an integration task is run and one or more errors occur.


The "{taskname}" integration task to import objects from the external LDAP directory was edited. {properties changed}.

When an integration task to import objects from a LDAP directory is edited.


The "{app name}" application was registered as an authorized application.

When an application is registered as authorized to access the system.


The registration of the "{app name}" application was updated.

When the registration of an authorized application is edited.


The "{app name}" application was deleted from the list of authorized applications.

When the registration of an authorized application is deleted.


The token of the "{application}" authorized application was deleted by "{username}".

When the access token granted to an authorized application is deleted.


There are vulnerabilities being treated in the "{project name}" project that were not identified in the most recent scans.

When vulnerabilities identified by an external scanner and imported into the system by an integration task are treated using a risk project and subsequently were not identified in the most recent scans.


The configurations to access the Analysis Services database were changed by "{username}". New credentials: "{credentials}"; new server: "{server}"; new database: "{database}".

When the settings to access Analysis Services are changed in the Intelligence Solution option of the Settings section.


The configurations to access SharePoint were changed by "{username}". New URL: {URL}"; new library: "{path}"; new credentials: "{credentials}".

When the settings to access SharePoint are changed in the Intelligence Solution option of the Settings section.


The "{name}" report registered by "{author}" was not found in the SharePoint library.

When a report is not found in the SharePoint library when testing the connection with SharePoint in the Intelligence Solution option of the Settings section.


The "{interview name}" interview from the "{project name}" project sent to interviewee "{user name}" was exported.

When an interview is exported to an Excel spreadsheet.


The "{interview name}" interview from the "{project name}" project sent to interviewee "{user name}" was imported.

When an interview was exported to Excel, answered offline, and imported back to the system.


The "{interview name}" interview for the "{object name}" object in project {project code} was sent to "{interviewee}" by "{user}".

When an interview is sent to the interviewee.


The "{interview name}" interview for the "{object name}" object in project {project code}, sent to "{interviewee}", was cancelled by "{user}".

When an interview is cancelled after it was sent.


The following people or groups were included in the audience of the "{query name}" query: {name of person or group} ({type – person or group}).

When a person or group is included in the audience of a query, except in the Workflow module queries.


The following people or groups were removed from the audience of the "{query name}" query: {name of person or group} ({type – person or group}).

When a person or group is removed from the audience of a query, except in the Workflow module queries.


The following people or groups were assigned as editors of the "{query name}" query: {members}.

When a person or group is assigned as editors of a query.


The following people or groups were removed from the list of editors of the "{query name}" query: {members}.

When a person or group is removed from the list of editors of a query.


The {template name} template set as default for the interview was updated in {language} by Modulo.

When a report template provided by Modulo is updated.


The "{report name}" was generated by user "{username}".

When a person generates a report.


The user "{username}" sent the "{report name}" to the following contacts: {contact e-mails}.

When a person sends a report to other people.


The "{report name}" report was not sent because its template was disabled.

When the system is unable to send a scheduled report because the template was disabled after the schedule was created.


The following people were included in the audience of the "{template name}" report: {name of person or group} ({type – person or group}).

When a person or group is included in the audience of a report template.


The following people were removed from the audience of the "{template name}" report: {name of person or group} ({type – person or group}).

When a person or group is removed from the audience of a report template.


The following people or groups were included in the audience of the "{template name}" report: {members}.

When a person or group is included in the audience of a report.


The following people or groups were removed from the audience of the "{template name}" report: {members}.

When a person or group is removed from the audience of a report.


The following people or groups were assigned as editors of the "{template name}" report template: {members}.

When people or groups are assigned as editors of a report template.


The following people or groups were removed from the Report Editors role for the "{template name}" report template: {members}.

When people or groups are removed from the list of editors for a report template.


The "{query name}" SQL query was created by "{username}".

When a SQL query is published for use in reports.


The "{query name}" SQL query was edited by "{username}".

When a SQL query for use in reports is edited.


The "{query name}" SQL query was deleted by "{username}".

When a SQL query for use in reports is deleted.


The password for user "{username}" was changed.

When the user’s password is changed in the Change Password section of the Home module or when logging in to the system.


The user "{username}" was deleted from the system by {author}.

When a person is deleted from the system under Manage People from the People section in the Organization module.


Blocked user "{username}" tried to sign in to the system.

When a user who was blocked under Manage Users from the Access Control section in the Administration module tries to log in to the system.


Attempt to sign in to the system with nonexistent username: "{username}".

When someone tries to log in to the system with a non-existent username.


User "{username}" tried unsuccessfully to sign in to the system.

When someone tries to log in to the system but is unsuccessful.


Internal error when signing in user "{username}". Error: {error}.

When an error occurs while a user is attempting to sign in to the system, even with valid credentials.


User "{username}" was blocked for exceeding the number of failed attempts to sign in.

When a user account is blocked because the number of failed login attempts configured in Authentication Policy from the Access Control section is exceeded.


User "{username}" signed in to the system.

When a user successfully logs in the system.


User "{username}" signed out of the system.


When a user successfully logs out of the system.


The "{instance name}" {object name} was created.

When a custom object or an ERM, Policy, Events, and Dispatch object is created.


The "{instance name}" {object name} was edited.

When a custom object or an ERM, Policy, Events, and Dispatch object is edited.


The "{instance name}" {object name} was deleted.

When a custom object or an ERM, Policy, Events, and Dispatch object is deleted.

Authorized Applications

The "{field name}" field cannot contain HTML code.

When a message containing HTML code is added to the audit log via API.

Authorized Applications

{customized message}

When an authorized application performs an action via API that generates a record in the audit log. The message is created and customized via API.