
Roles represent certain functions that people may exercise in the system, such as leader of a project or responsible for an asset (see figure below). As in the case of being included in a profile, being assigned to roles is another way for people (or groups) to automatically inherit permissions in the system, but in this case permission is only granted with the analysis of a condition or context (allow... if). Some roles only accept people, while others also accept groups of people.



Let us look at a few examples.

Example 1: A person (for example, Emma C. Sawyer) is assigned to the Responsible for Asset role for a certain laptop (see figure below). While exercising this role, the person will automatically receive permission to the Manage the Organizational Structure privilege, and thus can view and edit the properties of the asset for which they are responsible (although not of other assets).



Example 2: A person (for example, Kurt Smith) is assigned to the Leader of a Risk Manager Project role for a certain project (see figure below). While exercising this role, the person will automatically receive permission to perform the operations related to the risk analysis in the project for which they are responsible (but not for the others).



The table below contains the system roles and their respective descriptions:


Role Name


Accepts Groups of People?


Organizational Project Author

Person from the organization who created a new project.



Organizational Project Leader

The leader is in charge of managing the organizational projects to which they have been assigned.



Organizational Query Editor

Person or group of people that can manage queries to which they were assigned in the Organization module.



Organizational Report Template Editor

Person or group of people that can edit generic report templates in the Organization module. By default, this role has permissions to all privileges related to these templates.



Perimeter Manager

Person or group of people from the organization with the task of keeping the information on the assets in the perimeters they manage updated.



Responsible for Asset

Person from the organization with the task of ensuring that the assets under their responsibility are being monitored in terms of their risks and compliance with requirements internal and external to the organization.



Responsible for Business Component

Person from the organization with the task of keeping information on the business components (strategic or tactical) under their responsibility updated. If the Continuity module is enabled, the person assigned to this role will also be responsible for checking whether information related to BIA (Business Impact Analysis) processes is accurate and making any necessary corrections.



Responsible for Group of People

Person from the organization with the task of keeping the information and members of the groups of people under their responsibility updated.



Asset Risk Analyst

Person from the organization with the task of performing risk analyses for the questionnaires under their responsibility in the projects.



Leader or Substitute Leader of a Risk Management Project

The leader and substitute leader are responsible for managing risk projects to which they were assigned. A person can be assigned as leader, and a person or group as substitute leader.



Risk Project Author

Person from the organization who created a new risk management project.



Risk Query Editor

Person or group of people who may manage queries to which they were assigned in the Risk module.



Compliance Project Author

Person from the organization who created a new compliance project.



Compliance Query Editor

Person or group of people that can manage queries to which they were assigned in the Compliance module.



Leader or Substitute Leader of Compliance Project

The leader and substitute leader are responsible for managing compliance projects to which they were assigned. A person can be assigned as leader, and a person or group as substitute leader.



Responsible for Authoritative Document

Person or group of people from the organization responsible for managing an authoritative document and its requirements.



Responsible for Knowledge Base

Person or group of people from the organization responsible for managing a knowledge base and its controls.



Responsible for Survey

Person or group of people from the organization responsible for managing a risk or compliance survey.



Event Author

Person from the organization who registers an event in the Workflow module.



Event Coordinator

Person or group of people from the organization assigned to coordinate the activities related to an event in the Workflow module. By default, the user who performs the role of Event Author is assigned as the coordinator when an event is created.



Event Manager

Person or group responsible for managing all events of the type to which they were assigned. By default, they receive permission to all privileges from the Workflow module, except Access the Workflow Module, Register Events, and Export and Import Events.



First Reviewer

Person or group of people from the organization that were assigned to manage events in the Workflow module.



Involved in Event

People or groups of people from the organization who are involved in an event while it is taking place.



Responsible for Event

Person or group of people from the organization with permission to edit and update the Workflow events to which they were assigned. The person or group assigned to this role can also cancel and close events, as well as view queries.



Second Reviewer

Person or group of people from the organization that were assigned to manage events in the Workflow module.



Third Reviewer

Person or group of people from the organization that were assigned to manage events in the Workflow module.



Workflow Query Editor

Person or group of people that can manage queries to which they were assigned in the Workflow module.




Person or group of people who may view the charts for which they were included in the audience and add them to dashboards.



Dashboard Author

Person from the organization who creates a new dashboard.



(This role only appears if the Policy module is installed.)

Responsible for Policies

Person from the organization responsible for maintaining a policy.



(These roles only appear if the Continuity module is installed.)

BIA Data Approver

Person from the organization who verifies, approves, or rejects data used to calculate the Impact Score for business components.



Contingency Staff

Primary person or group of people responsible for executing a plan in an emergency.



Responsible for Plan

Primary person or group of people from the organization responsible for executing a plan.



Responsible for Procedures

Person or group of people from the organization with the task of editing and publishing procedures used in plans.



Substitute Contingency Staff

Secondary person or group of people responsible for executing a plan in an emergency.



Substitute Responsible for Plan

Secondary person or group of people from the organization responsible for executing a plan.



(These roles only appear if the ERM solution is installed.)

Responsible for Loss Event

Person from the organization responsible for managing a loss event.



Risk Owner

Person from the organization responsible for managing an enterprise risk.



(This role only appears if the Dispatch solution is installed.)


Group of people from the organization who may manage dispatch requests and occurrences, as well as assign service units.



(These roles only appear if the Events solution is installed.)

Event Report Template Editor

Person or group of people that can edit generic report templates in the Events solution. By default, this role has permissions to all privileges related to these templates.



Responsible for Activity

Group responsible for an activity associated with a scheduled event.


Data Analytics

Dashboard Editor

Person or group of people that can manage the dashboards to which they were assigned in the Data Analytics module.
