Policy Module Configurations

The Policy module is an on-demand solution where policies can be managed and distributed. With the installation of the module, a number of automatic registrations take place to allow the module to function, which should not be tampered with without the help of an experienced system administrator or the support team. These are listed below, along with explanations as to what each is used for.


Objects registered to manage the default policy revision workflows

Policies can go undergo revision and approval before being published and distributed to the audience. For every policy sent for revision or approval, e-mail notifications are sent out according to the rules used to send them.


1)  Two objects named "Policy" and "Statement" are added to the list of system objects.

2)  A List of Options attribute named "Status" is created applied to all policy types with the following options:

a. Being Edited

b. Revision Requested

c. Under Revision

d. Approval Requested

e. Under Approval

f. Approved

g. Rejected

h. Published

i. Cancelled

The Policy module automatically updates the values of these attributes, and the workflow rules use this status to determine which e-mail notifications to send and to whom.

3)  Four workflow rules are created to send e-mail notifications, each of which is listed below. These workflow rules must not be disabled, or none of those involved in the policy revision or approval will receive e-mail notifications. Note that these workflow rules do not apply to policies registered using custom types.

a.      Validation Flow Started

b.      Revision Requested

c.      Approval Requested

d.      Validation Workflow Finalized