List Event Attributes

Returns the list of event attributes.









This feature does not have parameters.






List of objects with information on an event's attributes in the following format:



       string EventTypeName;

       string VariableName;

       string Description;

       string Name;

       string TypeName;

       int DecimalPlaces;

       bool ApplyAlphabeticalOrder;

       string ReturnType;

       int? MinLength;

       int? MaxLength;

       string FieldMask;

       int? MinValue;

       int? MaxValue;

       IEnumerable<string> AllowedValues;

       Dictionary<string,guid> AllowedItems;

       bool Required;



Below is an explanation of each of the "CustomAttributes" fields:

EventTypeName: Type of event to which the attribute can be applied. Valid values: Compliance Event, Risk Event, Generic Event, and null. Null indicates that the attribute applies to all event types. If custom event types have been created in Modulo Risk Manager, they will also be considered valid values.

VariableName: Attribute variable.

Description: Attribute description.

Name: Attribute name.

TypeName: Type of attribute. Valid values: Formula, Email, Link, Paragraph, Text, DateOnly, TimeOnly, DateTime, Number, SingleSelect and MultiSelect.

DecimalPlaces: Number of decimal places in the value for the attribute. This field only applies to Number attributes.

ApplyAlphabeticalOrder: Apply alphabetical order to the list of allowed values.

ReturnType: Indicates the output of the formula, in other words, the format of the value to be calculated. This field only applies to Formula attributes. Possible values: "Text", "Number", or "DateTime".

MinLength: Minimum number of characters for the attribute's value. This field only applies to Text attributes.

MaxLength: Maximum number of characters for the attribute's value. This field only applies to Text attributes.

FieldMask: Regular expression mask for the attribute's value. This field only applies to Text attributes.

MinValue: Minimum value for the attribute. This field only applies to Number attributes.

MaxValue: Maximum value for the attribute. This field only applies to Number attributes.

AllowedValues: List of allowed values for the attribute. This field applies to SingleSelect and MultiSelect attributes.

AllowedItems: List of allowed values for the attribute and the IDs of each option. This field applies to SingleSelect and MultiSelect attributes.

Required: Indicates if the field is required.





"EventTypeName": "Customer Service",

"VariableName": "areas_involved",

"Description": "This field lists the areas involved in customer service.",

"Name": "Customer Service Areas",

"TypeName": "MultiSelect",

"DecimalPlaces": 0,

"ApplyAlphabeticalOrder": false,

"AllowedValues": [







       "Internal Support"


"AllowedItems": [


        "Caption": "Distribution",

        "Value": "0b491186-52da-4acc-b2a0-1d1e5ab4fca5"



        "Caption": "Finance",

        "Value": "799b31e0-6fc1-44aa-82a7-20ddbc5f2cdd"



        "Caption": "HR",

        "Value": "edc6a5df-e9a2-4a0e-9cca-2de3480d234b"



        "Caption": "Marketing",

        "Value": "47eb63c4-9cc1-49b4-985a-80d842822042"



        "Caption": "Support",

        "Value": "078cc4d8-7280-4738-ac37-afeba0917398"



        "Caption": "Supply",

        "Value": "553afcf0-315b-43b1-a90e-c044c1c11ec6"



        "Caption": "Internal Support",

        "Value": "9b6e693b-bc71-4a9c-8e7b-cdb608fe9008"



 "Required": false,

 "IsEditable": true,

 "IsDeletable": true



"EventTypeName": "Customer Service;Auditing;E-learning",

"VariableName": "expected_delivery_date",

"Description": "This field indicates the primary expected delivery date.",

"Name": "Expected Delivery Date",

"TypeName": "DateOnly",

"DecimalPlaces": 0,

"ApplyAlphabeticalOrder": false,

"AllowedValues": [],

"AllowedItems": [],

"Required": false,

"IsEditable": true,

"IsDeletable": true



"EventTypeName": "Contracts;Customer Service",

"VariableName": "customer_name",

"Description": "Name of the customer, as displayed in the contract.",

"Name": "Customer Name",

"TypeName": "Text",

"FieldMask": "",

"DecimalPlaces": 0,

"ApplyAlphabeticalOrder": false,

"AllowedValues": [],

"AllowedItems": [],

"Required": false,

"IsEditable": true,

"IsDeletable": true

