List Controls Associated with an Enterprise Risk

Returns the list of the controls associated with an enterprise risk in the ERM solution.









page: Number of the page to be displayed. Valid values: 1 to the maximum number of pages. If omitted, the value 1 is used. If the value is greater than the maximum number of pages, a blank list will be returned.

page_size: Number of items displayed per page. Valid values: 1 to 1,000. If omitted, the default value of 10 is used.

orderby: Orders the instances listed on the page by field. To order by more than one field, use a comma between the field names. For descending order, add the word "desc" to each field. The supported fields are listed below.



List the controls associated with an enterprise risk (by default, ten controls are listed at a time):



Associated controls 11 through 20 (second page):




List of objects with information on the controls associated with the enterprise risk.



"Id":11217,"Deleted":false,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1475266684853-0300)\/","DateUpdated":"\/Date(1475266684853-0300)\/","Name":"Enterprise Control 1","Description":"Enterprise Control","atrib_data":"\/Date(1475193600000)\/","paragraph":" On this page you can register enterprise controls, which detail procedures and practices to be adopted to minimize the impact a risk may have on the organization should it materialize and reduce the chances of it occurring. Controls can be associated with one or more risks from the risk register and must be monitored to ensure not only that they are implemented, but also that they are kept up-to-date and are effective.\r\n"



"Id":1177,"Deleted":false,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1435953738447-0300)\/","DateUpdated":"\/Date(1452191405950-0200)\/","Name":"Understand who can have access to your computer and network","Description":"If the network is down, the system will become unavailable for the whole organization. Systems in the cloud are not kept in the office and access control must be implemented.","multiple_list":["1","2"],"simple_list":"1"

