
This section provides orientation on viewing more information on the system through the Information section in the Administration module. Below is the list of licensing information available.

    The version of the system in use;

    The server date and time;

    Copyright information;

    The name of both the user and the organization to which the system is licensed;

    Serial number of the system installation;

    Client ID.


In addition, you can view the number of perimeters, assets, asset components, business components, people, groups of people, projects, custom report templates, knowledge bases, authoritative documents, surveys, events, and users, as well as the number of custom asset, business component, and event types, the number of custom tabs that can be created per event type, as well as  the number of workflow rules in the system, default object attributes, custom object attributes and attributes created for events of the Workflow module.

Keep in mind that only one version of each object is considered in the final count. For example, if there are five versions of a knowledge base or authoritative document, only one version will be counted.