How to View the Risk Matrix

1.    Access the ERM solution.

2.    In the Risk Matrix section, click View Matrix.


The system displays a page with the risk matrix. Each cell displays a value that indicates the number of risks that match the level of the inherent probability and inherent impact corresponding to that position. The ranges for the probability and impact levels are displayed on the left and below the matrix, respectively.


3.    To obtain more details on these risks, click the corresponding cell. You can select more than one cell.


The system displays a list with details on the risks.


4.    To change the scales used in the risk matrix, select the scale you want in the Configure Scales section and click Apply. All scales created for enterprise risks in the Administration module will be available for selection. Note that, when you click Apply, the scales you selected will be saved and displayed the next times the page is accessed.


The system displays the risk matrix according to the scales selected.


5.    To view the risk matrix with the default scales, click Restore.

6.    To view the risk matrix for residual risks, click the Residual Risk Score tab (see figure below).