This topic explains how to view comments written by reviewers and approvers during the revision workflow of a policy. Comments allow reviewers and approvers to provide additional information relevant to the policy, such as the reasons of the approval or the rejection. In addition to comments, you can also view other relevant information, for example the stage (revision or approval) in which each comment was written. Note that comments are specific to each policy version. Therefore, when a published policy is edited, a new version is created and the comments made in the previous version will no longer be displayed.
1. Access the Policy module.
2. Select the Manage Policy option.
In the Manage Policy section, click Edit ()
next to a policy and select View Comments (see figure below).
The system displays the Comments tab of the policy selected (see figure below).
In addition to the comments, columns are also displayed indicating if the comment was made during the revision or the approval stage and if the policy was approved or rejected.