How to Register a Blacklist for People and Vehicles Involved in Calls

This topic explains how to create a blacklist for people and vehicles involved in a call. When a call is registered and the ID type and ID number of a person or the license plate of a vehicle is found in the blacklist, an alert is displayed with this information in a pop-up window. By default, this feature does not come enabled with the installation of the system and needs to be configured before it is ready for use. The steps below provide details on how to configure and integrate a blacklist with the Dispatch solution.

By default, only the RG (General Registry, the official identity document in Brazil) and the CPF (a unique identification number issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue) document types are supported in the blacklist. If another document type is entered for a person or vehicle involved in a call, and the type is not included in the query for the blacklist, no results will be returned.

The name of the ID type must be entered in the REST service URL, exactly as it was registered in the ID Types section of the Dispatch solution. For example, if the name registered for the ID is "RG", the service URL must be http://localhost:1337/person?passport={RG}.


1.    A REST query must be created in the Integration module and linked to the location of the blacklist. This may be in an external service, an Excel spreadsheet, or an external database.

2.    Once created, the query must be configured in the \App_Data\IntegratedQueriesConfig.xml file that comes in the installation folder of the Integration module. In addition, to access the query, all users from the Dispatch solution must be included in the audience of this REST query in the Integration module.

3.    The following configurations in the web.config file must be implemented:


Create a new key in appSettings as in the example below.

For vehicles:

<add key="VehicleWarrantsQueryUri" value="integration/queries/rest/{QUERY ID}"/>


For people:

<add key="PersonWarrantsQueryUri" value="integration/queries/rest/{QUERY ID}"/>


The {QUERY ID} should be completed with the identifier of the REST query created in the Integration module. This identifier can be found in the ID column in the list of REST queries or in the URL displayed when editing or executing the query in the system.