How to Import Plans and Procedures

1.    Access the Continuity module.

2.    In the Plans section, click Manage Plans.


The system displays the list of plans registered in the system.


3.    To import a spreadsheet with plans and procedures, click Spreadsheet and then Import Plans (see figure below).



4.    In the pop-up window that appears, click Select.

5.    Locate the file in the dialog box displayed and click Open.

6.    Click Validate File for the system to check if there are any errors that could prevent the spreadsheet from being imported (see figure below).



When clicking Validate File, the system displays a success message if no errors are found.


7.    Once the spreadsheet has been validated, click Import Plans for the plans and procedures to be imported to the system.


The system displays a success message confirming that the objects were imported to the system, as well as a validation message and any alerts.