How to Create and Delete Call Origins

1.    Access the Dispatch solution.

2.    In the Customizations section, click Call Origins.


The system displays a list with the call origins.


3.    Click Create.


The system displays a screen where you can complete the properties of the call origin (see figure below).



4.    In the Name field, enter a name to identify the origin using a maximum of 50 characters. This field is required.

5.    In the Description field, provide a description for the origin using a maximum of 1,000 characters. This field is required.

6.    In the Acronym field, provide an acronym by which the origin will be identified using a maximum of 10 characters. This field is required.

7.    When finished, click Save. If you want to quit the operation, click Cancel.


The system displays a success message and the origin properties.


8.    To delete an origin, Click Delete next to the call origin you want to delete (see figure below).



The system requests confirmation of the deletion (see figure below).



9.    To confirm deletion, click Delete Call Origin. If you want to quit the operation, click Cancel.


The system displays a success message.