How to Close a Questionnaire

1.    Access the Risk module.

2.    In the Risk Management Projects section, click the List Projects option.

3.    In the List of Projects section, click Edit next to the risk project containing the questionnaire you want to close.

4.    Click the Analysis tab.

5.    Click Monitoring.

6.    Click the List of Questionnaires tab.

7.    Mark the checkboxes next to the questionnaires you want to close and click Close Questionnaires (see figure below).



The system requests confirmation to close the questionnaire (see figure below).



8.    Click Close Questionnaires to confirm that you want to close the questionnaires. If you want to quit the operation, click Close.


Note: Not all questionnaire controls need to be answered for it to be closed. The system makes the following changes when a questionnaire is closed:

    For an incomplete questionnaire, the system changes the status of the “Not Answered” controls to “Not Applicable”.

    If there are collections or interviews in progress, the “Not Answered” controls become “Not Applicable” and the status of the collections or interviews become “Cancelled”.


The system displays the questionnaire in the list of questionnaires with its status now as “Closed”. The Edit Questionnaire button will be disabled and the View Questionnaire button will be enabled.