How to Change the Interviewee or Reviewer of a Compliance Interview

This topic explains how to reassign an interview or review to another interviewee or reviewer. This can only be done before the interview or review is sent (status: "Not Sent"), or if it was cancelled (status: "Cancelled").


1.    Access the Compliance module.

2.    In the Projects section, click the List Projects option.

3.    In the List of Projects section, click Edit next to the compliance project containing the interview for which you want to change the interviewee or reviewer.

4.    Click the Analysis tab.

5.    In the List of Interviews section, mark the checkboxes next to the interviews for which you change the interviewee or reviewer. Click Change and select the Interviewee or Reviewer option from the drop-down list (see figure below).



6.    Select the new interviewee or reviewer in the window that appears and click Change Interviewee or Change Reviewer. If you want to quit the operation, click Cancel (see figure below).




The system displays a success message.