How to Associate Requirements with Questions in Compliance Surveys

1.    Access the Knowledge module.

2.    In the Knowledge menu, click the Surveys option.

3.    Click Edit next to the compliance survey that includes the Compliance questions with which you want to associate requirements from one or more authoritative documents.

4.    Click the Requirements tab to begin associating the Compliance questions with requirements from previously published authoritative documents.

5.    In the Questions section, select the question with which you want to associate requirements from authoritative documents (see figure below). When selected, the question will be highlighted.



6.    Click Add Requirements to locate the requirements to be associated with the Compliance question (see figure below).



The system displays a window where you can select the requirements to be associated with the question (see figure below).



7.    Configure the filters and click List Requirements.

8.    Mark the checkboxes next to the requirements you want to associate with the question and click Add Selected, or click Add Selected and Close if you have finished associating requirements.


The system displays a success message.