Default Permissions Granted to Roles

Unlike permissions granted to profiles, which can be customized freely, only certain permissions can be granted to certain roles. Additional permissions can be granted, but not all. For example, a role can never be granted permission to create an object, since the object must first exist for the role to be assigned to it.

Note that the “Access XYZ Module/Solution” privilege cannot be granted directly to roles. Whenever a user is assigned to a role in a module or solution, this user also needs to be included in a profile that has permission to access the module or solution. For example, if the user "John" was assigned to the role of Perimeter Manager – which is a role from the Organization module –, he must also be included in the Organization Module Users profile or some other profile that has permission to access the Organization module in order to be able to perform the activities related to the assigned role. This is true for all roles from all system modules and solutions.

Also keep in mind that privileges granted to roles take into account an additional context. The same permissions are granted, but only to the objects to which the role was assigned. A profile that receives permission to manage the organizational structure will be able to manage all objects in the organizational structure, whereas this same privilege granted to a role will mean the person or group assigned to the role can only manage objects to which they were assigned.


1.    By default, the Perimeter Manager role receives permission to the following privileges:

GENERATE Organizational Reports

MANAGE Organizational Queries

MANAGE the Organizational Structure (see Note 1)

VIEW the Organizational Structure (see Note 1)

2.    By default, the Responsible for Asset role receives permission to the following privileges:

MANAGE Organizational Queries

VIEW the Organizational Structure (see Note 2)

3.    By default, the Responsible for Business Component role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Business Components

MANAGE Organizational Queries

4.    By default, the Responsible for Group of People role receives permission to the following privilege:

MANAGE Groups of People

5.    By default, the Organizational Project Leader role receives permissions to the following privileges:

CANCEL Interviews

CLOSE Organizational Projects

DELETE Organizational Projects

EDIT Properties of an Organizational Project

EDIT the Scope of an Organizational Project

SEND Interviews

VIEW Interview Results

VIEW the List and Properties of Organizational Projects

6.    By default, the Organizational Project Author role receives permission to the following privileges:

CANCEL Interviews

CANCEL Organizational Projects

CLOSE Organizational Projects

DELETE Organizational Projects

EDIT Properties of an Organizational Project

EDIT the Scope of an Organizational Project

SEND Interviews

VIEW Interview Results

VIEW the List and Properties of Organizational Projects

7.    By default, the Organizational Report Template Editor role receives permission to the following privileges:

GENERATE Organizational Reports

MANAGE Organizational Report Templates

8.    By default, the Organizational Query Editor role receives permission to the following privilege:

MANAGE Organizational Queries

9.    By default, the Asset Risk Analyst role receives permission to the following privileges:

ANALYZE Asset Risks

VIEW List and Properties of Risk Management Projects

VIEW Scope of Risk Management Projects

10. By default, the Leader or Substitute Leader of a Risk Management Project role receives permission to the following privileges:

ANALYZE Asset Risks

CLOSE Asset Risk Analysis

CLOSE Risk Management Projects

EVALUATE Asset Risks

GENERATE Risk Reports

INVENTORY – Edit Analysis Parameters for Risk Management

INVENTORY – Edit Properties of Risk Management Projects

INVENTORY – Edit Scope of Risk Management Projects

MANAGE Risk Queries

MONITOR Treatment Events

REOPEN Asset Risk Analysis

VIEW Analysis Statistics

VIEW List and Properties of Risk Management Projects

VIEW Scope of Risk Management Projects

11. By default, the Risk Project Author role receives permission to the following privileges:

ANALYZE Asset Risks

CANCEL Risk Management Projects

CLOSE Asset Risk Analysis

CLOSE Risk Management Projects

DELETE Risk Management Projects

EVALUATE Asset Risks

GENERATE Risk Reports

INVENTORY – Edit Analysis Parameters for Risk Management Projects

INVENTORY – Edit Properties of Risk Management Projects

INVENTORY – Edit Scope of Risk Management Projects

MANAGE Risk Queries

MONITOR Treatment Events

REOPEN Asset Risk Analysis

VIEW Analysis Statistics

VIEW List and Properties of Risk Management Projects

VIEW Scope of Risk Management Projects

12. By default, the Risk Query Editor role receives permission to the following privileges:

MANAGE Risk Queries

13. By default, the Leader or Substitute Leader of Compliance Project role receives permission to the following privileges:

ANALYZE Compliance

CLOSE Compliance Projects

EVALUATE Non-Compliances

GENERATE Compliance Analysis Reports

INVENTORY – Edit Properties of Compliance Projects

INVENTORY – Edit Requirements of Compliance Projects

INVENTORY – Edit Scope of Compliance Projects

MANAGE Compliance Queries

MONITOR Treatment Events

VIEW List and Properties of Compliance Projects

14. By default, the Compliance Project Author role receives permission to the following privileges:

ANALYZE Compliance

CANCEL Compliance Projects

CLOSE Compliance Projects

DELETE Compliance Projects

EVALUATE Non-Compliances

GENERATE Compliance Analysis Reports

INVENTORY – Edit Properties of Compliance Projects

INVENTORY – Edit Requirements of Compliance Projects

INVENTORY – Edit Scope of Compliance Projects

MANAGE Compliance Queries

MONITOR Treatment Events

VIEW List and Properties of Compliance Projects

15. By default, the Compliance Query Editor role receives permission to the following privilege:

MANAGE Compliance Queries

16. By default, the Responsible for Knowledge Base role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Knowledge Bases

GENERATE Knowledge Base Reports

VIEW History of Knowledge Base Versions

VIEW Knowledge Bases

17. By default, the Responsible for Survey role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Surveys

VIEW Surveys

18. By default, the Responsible for Authoritative Document role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Authoritative Documents

VIEW Authoritative Documents

19. By default, the Event Author role receives permission to the following privileges:


CLOSE Events

EDIT Event Coordinator Property

EDIT Event Progress

EDIT Events

EDIT Responsible for Event Property

MANAGE Workflow Queries

VIEW Event History

VIEW Events

20. By default, the Event Coordinator role receives permission to the following privileges:



CLOSE Events

EDIT Event Coordinator Property

EDIT Event Progress

EDIT Events

EDIT Responsible for Event Property

MANAGE Workflow Queries

VIEW Event History

VIEW Events

21. By default, the Involved in Event role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Event Progress

MANAGE Workflow Queries

VIEW Event History

VIEW Events

22. By default, the Responsible for Event role receives permission to the following privileges:



CLOSE Events

EDIT Event Progress

EDIT Events

EDIT Responsible for Event Property

MANAGE Workflow Queries

VIEW Event History

VIEW Events

23. By default, the Event Manager role receives permission to the following privileges:



CLOSE Events

DELETE Cancelled Events

EDIT Event Coordinator Property

EDIT Event Progress

EDIT Events

EDIT Responsible for Event Property

EDIT the Event Type

MANAGE Workflow Queries


VIEW Event History

VIEW Events

24. By default, the First Reviewer, Second Reviewer, and Third Reviewer roles receive permission to the following privileges:


CLOSE Events

EDIT Event Coordinator Property

EDIT Event Progress

EDIT Events

EDIT Responsible for Event Property

MANAGE Workflow Queries

VIEW Event History

VIEW Events

25. By default, the Workflow Query Editor role receives permission to the following privilege:

MANAGE Workflow Queries

26. By default, the Dashboard Author role receives permission to the following privileges:

DELETE Dashboards

EDIT Dashboards

VIEW Dashboards

27. By default, the Audience role (of charts in the Dashboard module) receives permission to the following privilege:

VIEW the List of Charts in the Gallery

28. By default, the Responsible for Policies role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Policies

VIEW Policies

29. By default, the BIA Data Approver role receives permission to the following privilege:

APPROVE Business Component Data

30. By default, the Responsible for Plans role receives permission to the following privileges:

CREATE Events for Plans

EDIT Plans


VIEW Plans

31. By default, the Substitute Responsible for Plan role receives permission to the following privileges:

CREATE Events for Plans

EDIT Plans


VIEW Plans

32. By default, the Contingency Staff role receives permission to the following privileges:

CREATE Events for Plans

VIEW Plans

33. By default, the Substitute Contingency Staff role receives permission to the following privileges:

CREATE Events for Plans

VIEW Plans

34. By default, the Responsible for Procedures role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Procedures

PUBLISH Procedures

VIEW Procedures

35. By default, the Risk Owner role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Risks

VIEW Risk Matrix

VIEW Risks

36. By default, the Responsible for Loss Event role receives permission to the following privileges:

DELETE Loss Events

EDIT Loss Events

VIEW Loss Events

37. By default, the Dispatcher role receives permission to the following privilege:


MANAGE Dispatch Requests

38. By default, the Event Report Template Editor role receives permission to the following privileges:

GENERATE Scheduled Event Reports

MANAGE Scheduled Event Report Templates

39. By default, the Responsible for Activity role receives permission to the following privileges:

EDIT Scheduled Events

VIEW Activities

VIEW Scheduled Events

40. By default, the Dashboard Editor role receives permission to the following privilege:

MANAGE Dashboards


Note 1: By default, the Perimeter Manager role can view and edit the managed perimeters, and view, register, edit, and delete sub-perimeters from within these perimeters, as well as view, register, edit, and delete assets from the managed perimeters. In the example shown in the figure below, the manager of perimeter P2 can view the properties of perimeter P1, and the manager of perimeter P1 can view the properties of P2 and P3.



Note 2: By default, the Responsible for Asset role can view the organizational structure. This privilege is applicable only for assets for which the user is responsible. Thus, this role will have a partial view of the organizational structure. In the example shown in the figure below, if the asset is located in perimeter P3, the person responsible for it will be able to view the properties, managers, attributes, location, and vulnerabilities of the parent perimeter P1. Information on the child perimeters where the asset is located cannot be accessed by the person responsible for the asset.