Create Perimeter

Creates a perimeter in the organizational structure.









This feature does not have parameters.



Name (Required): Name of the perimeter to be created. Limit of 400 characters.

Path (Optional if the ParentPerimeter is provided): Path in the organizational structure where the perimeter will be created. Limit of 400 characters for each perimeter in the path.

ParentPerimeter (Optional if the Path is provided): ID of the parent perimeter of the perimeter being created.

Description (Optional): Description of the perimeter to be created.

AdditionalInformation (Optional): Additional information on the perimeter to be created.

Responsible (Optional): Person responsible for the perimeter to be created.

Latitude (Optional; Required if the "Longitude" field is completed): Latitude of the perimeter's location. Valid values: from -90.0 to +90.0. The decimal mark must be represented by a period and not a comma.

Longitude (Optional; Required if the "Latitude" field is completed): Longitude of the perimeter's location. Valid values: from -180.0 to +180.0. The decimal mark must be represented by a period and not a comma.

GeolocationDescription (Optional): Description of the perimeter's location.

ZoomLevel (Optional): Zoom level applied to the map of the perimeter's location. Valid values: whole numbers between 0 and 21.

CustomAttributes (Optional): List of objects with information on the perimeter's attributes. Each attribute is referenced by its variable name. Relationship-type attributes can be referenced by the Id field, the Caption field, or both. If both fields are provided, they must refer to the same object. It is recommended to use the Id field whenever possible. See Appendix 2: Format for Completing Attributes for the list of formats for the Id and Caption fields.



NetbiosName (Optional): Used to indicate how vulnerabilities for all assets in the perimeter will be mapped. In this case, by default, the NetBIOS names identified by a scanner will be mapped to assets according to the value selected. Valid values: Inherited, Disabled, AssetName, HostAddress, or Text attributes created for Technology assets.

IPAddress (Optional): Used to indicate how vulnerabilities for all assets in the perimeter will be mapped. In this case, by default, the IP addresses identified by a scanner will be mapped to assets according to the value selected. Valid values: Inherited, Disabled, AssetName, HostAddress, or Text attributes created for Technology assets.

DNSName (Optional): Used to indicate how vulnerabilities for all assets in the perimeter will be mapped. In this case, by default, the DNS names identified by a scanner will be mapped to assets according to the value selected. Valid values: Inherited, Disabled, AssetName, HostAddress, or Text attributes created for Technology assets.



Create a perimeter using the Path field:


"Name":"Perimeter 1",

"Path":"Main Perimeter"



Create a perimeter using the ParentPerimeter field:

"Name":"Perimeter 1",

"ParentPerimeter": {

      "Id": "bc1f6287-6264-4fd7-8b95-db60fae887a3",

      "Caption": "Main Perimeter"



Create a perimeter with all fields completed:

   "Name":"Database Subdepartment",

   "Path":"IT Dept.",

   "Description":"ABC Company's Database Subdepartment",

   "AdditionalInformation":"Microsoft database",

   "Responsible":{"Name":"John Smith"},



   "GeolocationDescription":"Company headquarters",




    "DnsName": { "Type": "Disabled" },

    "IpAddress": { "Type": "AssetName" },

    "NetbiosName": { "Type": "Attribute", "AttributeVariableName": "custom_text" }


   "CustomAttributes": {





"paragraph_attribute":"Important information",

"text_attribute":"attribute content",




"multiplerelationship_group_attribute":[{"Caption":"Finance Dept"},{"Caption":"Information Tech"},{"Caption":"Financial"},{"Caption":"Human Resources"}]




To create a perimeter in the root of the organizational structure, the "Path" field must be left blank:

   "Name":"Human Resources Dept.",


   "Description":"HR Dept. at ABC Company",

   "Responsible":{"Name":"John Smith"},





Code of the newly created perimeter. Returns a string.