Base Maps

This section explains how to configure maps for use in the Integration module and the Events and Dispatch solutions. These maps appear as options in the Maps window and are used to define how the geographic information is displayed (for example, if the map is to be shown in the form of satellite images or cartographic illustrations). Any number of custom base maps can be added, as long as they support WMS or tile servers. All base maps are configured in the "\App_Data\MapLayers.xml" file, located in the installation folder for the system.

IMPORTANT! Some map providers require a key or access code that is only available to those who purchase their license. Modulo does not provide the key to use these maps, as it is the responsibility of the user to acquire the license.

Note that only one base map can be enabled at a time. To display multiple maps simultaneously, they can be configured as layers. For details on how to do so, see Appendix -> Base Maps. Also keep in mind that the map type is a display option that has no effect on the system content (calls, layers, etc.), and that these maps can only be displayed on devices with internet access.